Hibernate Validator 中文操作指南
8. Configuring via XML
到目前为止,我们已经为 Jakarta Bean Validation 使用了默认的配置源,即注解。但是,还存在两种允许通过 XML 进行配置的 XML 描述符。第一个描述符描述了通用的 Jakarta Bean Validation 行为,并作为 META-INF/validation.xml 提供。第二个描述符描述了约束声明,并且与通过注解的约束声明方法完全匹配。让我们看看这两个文档类型。
So far we have used the default configuration source for Jakarta Bean Validation, namely annotations. However, there also exist two kinds of XML descriptors allowing configuration via XML. The first descriptor describes general Jakarta Bean Validation behaviour and is provided as META-INF/validation.xml. The second one describes constraint declarations and closely matches the constraint declaration approach via annotations. Let’s have a look at these two document types.
XSD 文件在 https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/validation/ 页面上可用。 |
The XSD files are available on the https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/validation/ page. |
8.1. Configuring the validator factory in validation.xml
为 Hibernate 验证器启用 XML 配置的关键文件是 META-INF/validation.xml。如果此文件存在于 classpath 上,则会在创建 ValidatorFactory 时应用其配置。 Figure 1, “Validation configuration schema” 展示了 validation.xml 必须遵守的 XML 模式的模型视图。
The key to enable XML configuration for Hibernate Validator is the file META-INF/validation.xml. If this file exists on the classpath its configuration will be applied when the ValidatorFactory gets created. Figure 1, “Validation configuration schema” shows a model view of the XML schema to which validation.xml has to adhere.

Example 8.1, “validation.xml” 展示了 validation.xml 的几个配置选项。所有设置都是可选的,并且相同的配置选项也可以通过 jakarta.validation.Configuration 以编程方式获得。事实上,将通过编程 API 明确指定的值覆盖 XML 配置。甚至可以通过 Configuration#ignoreXmlConfiguration() 完全忽略 XML 配置。另请参见 Section 9.2, “Configuring a ValidatorFactory” 。
Example 8.1, “validation.xml” shows the several configuration options of validation.xml. All settings are optional and the same configuration options are also available programmatically through jakarta.validation.Configuration. In fact, the XML configuration will be overridden by values explicitly specified via the programmatic API. It is even possible to ignore the XML configuration completely via Configuration#ignoreXmlConfiguration(). See also Section 9.2, “Configuring a ValidatorFactory”.
. Example 8.1: validation.xml
<executable-validation enabled="true">
<property name="hibernate.validator.fail_fast">false</property>
类路径中只能有一个名为 META-INF/validation.xml 的文件。如果找到多个,将引发异常。
There must only be one file named META-INF/validation.xml on the classpath. If more than one is found an exception is thrown.
节点 default-provider 允许选择 Jakarta Bean Validation 提供程序。如果类路径上有多个提供程序,这将会很有用。 message-interpolator 、 traversable-resolver 、 constraint-validator-factory 、 parameter-name-provider 和 clock-provider 允许自定义 jakarta.validation 包中定义的接口 MessageInterpolator 、 TraversableResolver 、 ConstraintValidatorFactory 、 ParameterNameProvider 和 ClockProvider 的已用实现。有关这些接口的更多信息,请参阅 Section 9.2, “Configuring a ValidatorFactory” 的子部分。
The node default-provider allows to choose the Jakarta Bean Validation provider. This is useful if there is more than one provider on the classpath. message-interpolator, traversable-resolver, constraint-validator-factory, parameter-name-provider and clock-provider allow to customize the used implementations for the interfaces MessageInterpolator, TraversableResolver, ConstraintValidatorFactory, ParameterNameProvider and ClockProvider defined in the jakarta.validation package. See the sub-sections of Section 9.2, “Configuring a ValidatorFactory” for more information about these interfaces.
value-extractor 允许声明其他值提取器,以从自定义容器类型中提取值或覆盖内置的值提取器。有关如何实现 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractor 的更多信息,请参见 Chapter 7, Value extraction 。
value-extractor allows to declare additional value extractors either to extract values from custom container types or to override the built-in value extractors. See Chapter 7, Value extraction for more information about how to implement jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractor.
executable-validation 及其子节点为方法验证定义了默认值。Jakarta Bean Validation 规范将构造函数和非 getter 方法定义为默认值。enabled 属性充当全局开关,用于打开和关闭方法验证(参见 Chapter 3, Declaring and validating method constraints )。
executable-validation and its subnodes define defaults for method validation. The Jakarta Bean Validation specification defines constructor and non getter methods as defaults. The enabled attribute acts as global switch to turn method validation on and off (see also Chapter 3, Declaring and validating method constraints).
通过 constraint-mapping 元素,您可以列出任意数量包含实际约束配置的其他 XML 文件。映射文件名必须使用其在类路径上的完全限定名称指定。有关编写映射文件的详细信息,请参见下一节。
Via the constraint-mapping element you can list an arbitrary number of additional XML files containing the actual constraint configuration. Mapping file names must be specified using their fully-qualified name on the classpath. Details on writing mapping files can be found in the next section.
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,你可以在 property 节点中指定提供者特定的属性。在示例中,我们正在使用 Hibernate 验证器特定的 hibernate.validator.fail_fast 属性(参见 Section 12.2, “Fail fast mode”)。
Last but not least, you can specify provider specific properties via the property nodes. In the example, we are using the Hibernate Validator specific hibernate.validator.fail_fast property (see Section 12.2, “Fail fast mode”).
8.2. Mapping constraints via constraint-mappings
通过遵循 Figure 2, “Validation mapping schema” 中模式的文件可以表达 XML 中的约束。请注意,仅当通过 validation.xml 中的 constraint-mapping 列出时,才会处理这些映射文件。
Expressing constraints in XML is possible via files adhering to the schema seen in Figure 2, “Validation mapping schema”. Note that these mapping files are only processed if listed via constraint-mapping in validation.xml.

Example 8.2, “Bean constraints configured via XML” 展示了来自 Example 5.3, “Car” 和 Example 5.9, “Class RentalCar with redefined default group” 的 Car 和 RentalCar 类如何在 XML 中映射。
Example 8.2, “Bean constraints configured via XML” shows how the classes Car and RentalCar from Example 5.3, “Car” resp. Example 5.9, “Class RentalCar with redefined default group” could be mapped in XML.
. Example 8.2: Bean constraints configured via XML
<bean class="Car" ignore-annotations="true">
<field name="manufacturer">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<field name="licensePlate">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<field name="seatCount">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.Min">
<element name="value">2</element>
<field name="driver">
<field name="partManufacturers">
<container-element-type type-argument-index="0">
<container-element-type type-argument-index="1">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<getter name="passedVehicleInspection" ignore-annotations="true">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.AssertTrue">
<message>The car has to pass the vehicle inspection first</message>
<element name="max">10</element>
<bean class="RentalCar" ignore-annotations="true">
<class ignore-annotations="true">
<constraint-definition annotation="org.mycompany.CheckCase">
<validated-by include-existing-validators="false">
Example 8.3, “Method constraints configured via XML”显示了来自 Example 3.1, “Declaring method and constructor parameter constraints”、 Example 3.4, “Declaring method and constructor return value constraints”和 Example 3.3, “Specifying a constraint’s target”的约束如何表示在 XML 中。
Example 8.3, “Method constraints configured via XML” shows how the constraints from Example 3.1, “Declaring method and constructor parameter constraints”, Example 3.4, “Declaring method and constructor return value constraints” and Example 3.3, “Specifying a constraint’s target” can be expressed in XML.
. Example 8.3: Method constraints configured via XML
<bean class="RentalStation" ignore-annotations="true">
<constraint annotation="ValidRentalStation"/>
<parameter type="java.lang.String">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<method name="getCustomers">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.Size">
<element name="min">1</element>
<method name="rentCar">
<parameter type="Customer">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<parameter type="java.util.Date">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.Future"/>
<parameter type="int">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.Min">
<element name="value">1</element>
<method name="addCars">
<parameter type="java.util.List">
<constraint annotation="jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>
<bean class="Garage" ignore-annotations="true">
<method name="buildCar">
<parameter type="java.util.List"/>
<constraint annotation="ELAssert">
<element name="expression">...</element>
<element name="validationAppliesTo">PARAMETERS</element>
<method name="paintCar">
<parameter type="int"/>
<constraint annotation="ELAssert">
<element name="expression">...</element>
<element name="validationAppliesTo">RETURN_VALUE</element>
XML 配置紧密反映编程 API。因此,仅添加一些注释就足够了。default-package 用于所有需要类名的字段。如果指定的类不是完全限定的,则将使用配置的默认包。然后每个映射文件可以有多个 bean 节点,每个节点描述具有指定类名的实体上的约束。
The XML configuration is closely mirroring the programmatic API. For this reason it should suffice to just add some comments. default-package is used for all fields where a class name is expected. If the specified class is not fully qualified the configured default package will be used. Every mapping file can then have several bean nodes, each describing the constraints on the entity with the specified class name.
一个特定的类在所有配置文件中只能配置一次。对给定约束注释的约束定义同样适用。它仅能出现在一个映射文件中。如果违反这些规则,将抛出 ValidationException。
A given class can only be configured once across all configuration files. The same applies for constraint definitions for a given constraint annotation. It can only occur in one mapping file. If these rules are violated a ValidationException is thrown.
将 ignore-annotations 设置为 true 表示忽略放置在配置的 Bean 中的约束注解。此值默认设置为 true。ignore-annotations 也可用于 class、fields、getter、constructor、method、parameter、cross-parameter 和 return-value 节点。如果没有在此类级别上明确指定,则应用配置的 Bean 值。
Setting ignore-annotations to true means that constraint annotations placed on the configured bean are ignored. The default for this value is true. ignore-annotations is also available for the nodes class, fields, getter, constructor, method, parameter, cross-parameter and return-value. If not explicitly specified on these levels the configured bean value applies.
class、field、getter、container-element-type、constructor 和 method 节点(及其子节点参数)确定约束放置在哪个级别。valid 节点用于启用级联验证,constraint 节点用于在相应级别上添加约束。每个约束定义都必须通过 annotation 属性定义类。Jakarta Bean Validation 规范所需的约束属性(message、groups 和 payload)具有专用的节点。所有其他特定于约束的属性都使用 element 节点配置。
The nodes class, field, getter, container-element-type, constructor and method (and its sub node parameter) determine on which level the constraint gets placed. The valid node is used to enable cascaded validation and the constraint node to add a constraint on the corresponding level. Each constraint definition must define the class via the annotation attribute. The constraint attributes required by the Jakarta Bean Validation specification (message, groups and payload) have dedicated nodes. All other constraint specific attributes are configured using the element node.
container-element-type 允许定义级联验证行为和容器元素的约束。在上面的示例中,您可以看到嵌套在 Map 值中的 List 上的嵌套容器元素约束的示例。type-argument-index 用于精确指出 Map 的哪个类型参数涉及配置。如果类型只有一个类型参数(例如,我们示例中的 List),则可以省略它。 |
container-element-type allows to define the cascaded validation behavior and the constraints for container elements. In the above examples, you can see an example of nested container element constraints on a List nested in the values of a Map. type-argument-index is used to precise which type argument of the Map is concerned by the configuration. It can be ommitted if the type only has one type argument (e.g. the _List_s in our examples). |
class_节点还允许通过 _group-sequence_节点重新配置默认的组顺序(参见 Section 5.4, “Redefining the default group sequence”)。在示例中未显示的是 _convert-group_的使用,用于指定组转换(参见 Section 5.5, “Group conversion”)。此节点在 _field、getter、container-element-type、_parameter_和 _return-value_上可用,并指定属性 _from_和 _to_来指定组。
The class node also allows to reconfigure the default group sequence (see Section 5.4, “Redefining the default group sequence”) via the group-sequence node. Not shown in the example is the use of convert-group to specify group conversions (see Section 5.5, “Group conversion”). This node is available on field, getter, container-element-type, parameter and return-value and specifies a from and a to attributes to specify the groups.
最后但并非最不重要的是,可以通過 constraint-definition 節點變更與給定約束相關聯的 ConstraintValidator 實例列表。annotation 屬性表示要變更的約束註釋。validated-by 元素表示與約束相關聯的 ConstraintValidator 實例的(已排序)列表。如果 include-existing-validator 設置為 false,則會忽略約束註釋上定義的驗證器。如果設置為 true,則 XML 中描述的約束驗證器列表會連接至註釋上指定的驗證器列表。
Last but not least, the list of ConstraintValidator instances associated to a given constraint can be altered via the constraint-definition node. The annotation attribute represents the constraint annotation being altered. The validated-by element represent the (ordered) list of ConstraintValidator implementations associated to the constraint. If include-existing-validator is set to false, validators defined on the constraint annotation are ignored. If set to true, the list of constraint validators described in XML is concatenated to the list of validators specified on the annotation.
约束定义的一个用例是更改 @URL 的默认约束定义。从历史上看,Hibernate Validator 对此约束的默认约束验证器使用 java.net.URL 构造函数来验证 URL 是否有效。然而,还有一个基于纯正则表达式的版本,可以使用 XML 进行配置: |
One use case for constraint-definition is to change the default constraint definition for @URL. Historically, Hibernate Validator’s default constraint validator for this constraint uses the java.net.URL constructor to verify that an URL is valid. However, there is also a purely regular expression based version available which can be configured using XML: |
使用 XML 注册基于正则表达式的约束定义以进行 @URL_ <constraint-definition annotation="org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL"> <validated-by include-existing-validators="false"> <value>org.hibernate.validator.constraintvalidators.RegexpURLValidator</value> </validated-by></constraint-definition>_
Using XML to register a regular expression based constraint definition for @URL_<constraint-definition annotation="org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL"> <validated-by include-existing-validators="false"> <value>org.hibernate.validator.constraintvalidators.RegexpURLValidator</value> </validated-by> </constraint-definition>_
使用 XML 注册基于正则表达式的约束定义以进行 @URL <constraint-definition annotation="org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL"> <validated-by include-existing-validators="false"> <value>org.hibernate.validator.constraintvalidators.RegexpURLValidator</value> </validated-by> </constraint-definition>
Using XML to register a regular expression based constraint definition for @URL <constraint-definition annotation="org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL"> <validated-by include-existing-validators="false"> <value>org.hibernate.validator.constraintvalidators.RegexpURLValidator</value> </validated-by> </constraint-definition>