Hibernate Validator 中文操作指南

14. Further reading


Last but not least, a few pointers to further information.

Jakarta Bean 验证器 TCK 是获取示例的极佳来源,它可供匿名用户在 GitHub上访问。TCK 的 tests尤其引人注目。 The Jakarta Bean Validation规范本身也是加深您对 Jakarta Bean 验证器和 Hibernate 验证器理解的绝佳方式。

A great source for examples is the Jakarta Bean Validation TCK which is available for anonymous access on GitHub. In particular the TCK’s tests might be of interest. The Jakarta Bean Validation specification itself is also a great way to deepen your understanding of Jakarta Bean Validation and Hibernate Validator.

如果您对 Hibernate 验证器有任何其他疑问或想分享您的一些用例,请查看 Hibernate Validator WikiHibernate Validator ForumHibernate Validator tag on Stack Overflow

If you have any further questions about Hibernate Validator or want to share some of your use cases, have a look at the Hibernate Validator Wiki, the Hibernate Validator Forum and the Hibernate Validator tag on Stack Overflow.

如果您想报告一个错误,请使用 Hibernate’s Jira实例。我们始终欢迎您的反馈!

In case you would like to report a bug use Hibernate’s Jira instance. Feedback is always welcome!