MySql 中文参考指南
1.5 Server and Status Variables and Options Added, Deprecated, or Removed in MySQL 9.0 since 8.4
本部分列出了 MySQL 9.0 中首次添加、已弃用或已删除的服务器变量、状态变量和选项(自 8.4 起)。
This section lists server variables, status variables, and options that were added for the first time, have been deprecated, or have been removed in MySQL 9.0 since 8.4.
Options and Variables Introduced in MySQL 9.0
以下系统变量、状态变量和服务器选项已添加到 MySQL 9.0 中。
The following system variables, status variables, and server options have been added in MySQL 9.0.
Mle_heap_status: MLE component heap status. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_memory_used: Percentage of available memory used by MLE component. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_oom_errors: Total number of out-of-memory errors thrown by MLE stored programs, across all sessions. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_sessions: Number of times MLE sessions were cleared using mle_session_reset(). Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_sessions: Current number of active MLE sessions. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_sessions: Maximum number of MLE sessions simultaneously active at any point in time since component was enabled.. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_status: MLE component status. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_stored_functions: Number of MLE stored functions currently cached across all sessions.. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_stored_procedures: Number of MLE stored procedures currently cached across all sessions.. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_stored_programs: Number of MLE stored programs currently cached across all sessions.. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_stored_programs_bytes_max: Size of largest MLE stored program, in bytes. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_stored_programs_sql_max: Maximum number of SQL statements executed by any MLE stored program. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_threads: Number of threads currently used by MLE. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Mle_threads_max: Maximum number of threads used by MLE at any given time since it became active. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
mle.memory_max: Maxmimum amount of memory available to MLE component. Added in MySQL 9.0.0.
Options and Variables Deprecated in MySQL 9.0
MySQL 9.0 中没有弃用任何系统变量、状态变量或服务器选项。
No system variables, status variables, or server options have been deprecated in MySQL 9.0.
Options and Variables Removed in MySQL 9.0
以下系统变量、状态变量和选项已从 MySQL 9.0 中删除。
The following system variables, status variables, and options have been removed in MySQL 9.0.
mysql-native-password: Enable mysql_native_password authentication plugin. Removed in MySQL 9.0.0.
mysql_native_password_proxy_users: Whether mysql_native_password authentication plugin does proxying. Removed in MySQL 9.0.0.