MySql 中文参考指南

Chapter 25 MySQL NDB Cluster 9.0


Table of Contents

本章提供了有关 MySQL NDB 群集的信息,MySQL NDB 群集是 MySQL 的高可用性、高冗余版本,适用于分布式计算环境,以及针对 NDB 群集 8.4 (NDB 8.4.0) 的特定信息,该版本基于 NDB 存储引擎的 8.4 版本。请参见 Section 25.2.4, “What is New in MySQL NDB Cluster 9.0”,了解与早期版本相比 NDB 8.4 的差异。请参见 MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 以了解有关 NDB 群集 8.0 的信息。NDB 8.0 和 NDB 8.4 都适用于生产环境。NDB 群集 7.6 和 7.5 是以前仍受生产支持的 GA 版本,尽管新的部署可以使用 MySQL NDB 群集 8.0 或 8.4,并且也应该使用它们。

This chapter provides information about MySQL NDB Cluster, a high-availability, high-redundancy version of MySQL adapted for the distributed computing environment, as well as information specific to NDB Cluster 8.4 (NDB 8.4.0), based on version 8.4 of the NDB storage engine. See Section 25.2.4, “What is New in MySQL NDB Cluster 9.0”, for information about differences in NDB 8.4 as compared to earlier releases. See MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 for information about NDB Cluster 8.0. Both NDB 8.0 and NDB 8.4 are intended for use in production environments. NDB Cluster 7.6 and 7.5 are previous GA releases still supported in production, although new deployments can and should use either of MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 or 8.4.

NDB Cluster 7.4 and older release series are no longer supported or maintained

NDB Cluster 7.4 and older release series are no longer supported or maintained.