MySql 中文参考指南
Chapter 32 MySQL Enterprise Edition
Table of Contents
MySQL 企业版是一种商业产品。与 MySQL 社区版一样,MySQL 企业版包括 MySQL Server,这是一种完全集成的、事务安全的、符合 ACID 规范的数据库,具有完全提交、回滚、故障恢复和行级锁定功能。此外,MySQL 企业版还包括以下旨在提供监控和在线备份以及增强安全性和可扩展性的组件:
MySQL Enterprise Edition is a commercial product. Like MySQL Community Edition, MySQL Enterprise Edition includes MySQL Server, a fully integrated transaction-safe, ACID-compliant database with full commit, rollback, crash-recovery, and row-level locking capabilities. In addition, MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the following components designed to provide monitoring and online backup, as well as improved security and scalability:
The following sections briefly discuss each of these components and indicate where to find more detailed information. To learn more about commercial products, see