MySql 中文参考指南
Chapter 34 MySQL on OCI Marketplace
Table of Contents
本章介绍如何部署 MySQL Enterprise Edition 作为 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI)市场应用程序。这是一款 BYOL 产品。
This chapter describes how to deploy MySQL Enterprise Edition as an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Marketplace Application. This is a BYOL product.
有关 OCI 市场的详细信息,请参阅 Overview of Marketplace。 |
For more information on OCI marketplace, see Overview of Marketplace. |
MySQL Enterprise Edition Marketplace 应用程序是一个 OCI 计算实例,运行 Oracle Linux 9.3,带有 MySQL EE 8.4。部署的映像上的 MySQL EE 安装类似于 RPM 安装,如 Section 2.5.4, “Installing MySQL on Linux Using RPM Packages from Oracle” 中所述。
The MySQL Enterprise Edition Marketplace Application is an OCI compute instance, running Oracle Linux 9.3, with MySQL EE 8.4. The MySQL EE installation on the deployed image is similar to the RPM installation, as described in Section 2.5.4, “Installing MySQL on Linux Using RPM Packages from Oracle”.
有关 MySQL 企业版的详情,请参见 Chapter 32, MySQL Enterprise Edition 。
For more information on MySQL Enterprise Edition, see Chapter 32, MySQL Enterprise Edition.
有关 MySQL 高级配置的更多信息,请参阅 Secure Deployment Guide。
For more information on MySQL advanced configuration, see Secure Deployment Guide.
有关 Oracle Linux 9 的更多信息,请参阅 Oracle Linux Documentation。
For more information on Oracle Linux 9, see Oracle Linux Documentation
This product is user-managed, meaning you are responsible for upgrades and maintenance.