MySql 中文参考指南
Chapter 26 Partitioning
Table of Contents
This chapter discusses user-defined partitioning.
表分区不同于窗口函数使用的分区。有关窗口函数的信息,请参阅 Section 14.20, “Window Functions”。 |
Table partitioning differs from partitioning as used by window functions. For information about window functions, see Section 14.20, “Window Functions”. |
MySQL 9.0 目前不支持使用 InnoDB 或 NDB 之外的任何存储引擎对表进行分区,例如 MyISAM 。尝试使用不支持原生分区功能的存储引擎创建分区表将失败并出现 ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 。
MySQL 9.0 does not currently support partitioning of tables using any storage engine other than InnoDB or NDB, such as MyISAM. An attempt to create a partitioned tables using a storage engine that does not supply native partitioning support fails with ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
Oracle 提供的 MySQL 9.0 Community 二进制文件包含 InnoDB 和 NDB 存储引擎提供的分区功能。有关 MySQL Enterprise Edition 二进制文件中提供的分区功能的信息,请参见 Chapter 32, MySQL Enterprise Edition 。
MySQL 9.0 Community binaries provided by Oracle include partitioning support provided by the InnoDB and NDB storage engines. For information about partitioning support offered in MySQL Enterprise Edition binaries, see Chapter 32, MySQL Enterprise Edition.
如果您从源代码编译 MySQL 9.0,则使用 InnoDB 支持配置构建足以生成对 InnoDB 表的分区支持的二进制文件。有关更多信息,请参阅 Section 2.8, “Installing MySQL from Source”。
If you are compiling MySQL 9.0 from source, configuring the build with InnoDB support is sufficient to produce binaries with partition support for InnoDB tables. For more information, see Section 2.8, “Installing MySQL from Source”.
无需采取进一步的操作即可通过 InnoDB 启用分区支持(例如,my.cnf 文件中不需要特殊条目)。
Nothing further needs to be done to enable partitioning support by InnoDB (for example, no special entries are required in the my.cnf file).
无法通过 InnoDB 存储引擎禁用分区支持。
It is not possible to disable partitioning support by the InnoDB storage engine.
参见 Section 26.1, “Overview of Partitioning in MySQL”,了解分区和分区概念入门。
See Section 26.1, “Overview of Partitioning in MySQL”, for an introduction to partitioning and partitioning concepts.
支持多种类型的分区,以及子分区;参见 Section 26.2, “Partitioning Types”,和 Section 26.2.6, “Subpartitioning”。
Several types of partitioning are supported, as well as subpartitioning; see Section 26.2, “Partitioning Types”, and Section 26.2.6, “Subpartitioning”.
Section 26.3, “Partition Management”,介绍了在现有分区表中添加、删除和更改分区的办法。
Section 26.3, “Partition Management”, covers methods of adding, removing, and altering partitions in existing partitioned tables.
Section 26.3.4, “Maintenance of Partitions”,讨论了可用于分区表的表维护命令。
Section 26.3.4, “Maintenance of Partitions”, discusses table maintenance commands for use with partitioned tables.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA 数据库中的 PARTITIONS 表提供了有关分区和分区表的信息。有关详细信息,请参见 Section 28.3.21, “The INFORMATION_SCHEMA PARTITIONS Table” ;有关针对该表查询的一些示例,请参见 Section 26.2.7, “How MySQL Partitioning Handles NULL” 。
The PARTITIONS table in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database provides information about partitions and partitioned tables. See Section 28.3.21, “The INFORMATION_SCHEMA PARTITIONS Table”, for more information; for some examples of queries against this table, see Section 26.2.7, “How MySQL Partitioning Handles NULL”.
有关 MySQL 9.0 中分区的已知问题,请参见 Section 26.6, “Restrictions and Limitations on Partitioning”。
For known issues with partitioning in MySQL 9.0, see Section 26.6, “Restrictions and Limitations on Partitioning”.
You may also find the following resources to be useful when working with partitioned tables.
其他资源。其他关于 MySQL 中用户定义分区的资料来源包括以下内容:
Additional Resources. Other sources of information about user-defined partitioning in MySQL include the following:
这是供对 MySQL 分区技术感兴趣或正在试验 MySQL 分区技术的讨论论坛。它提供 MySQL 开发人员和他人的公告和更新。分区开发和文档团队的成员对此进行监控。
This is the official discussion forum for those interested in or experimenting with MySQL Partitioning technology. It features announcements and updates from MySQL developers and others. It is monitored by members of the Partitioning Development and Documentation Teams.
一个 MySQL 新闻网站,提供与 MySQL 相关的博客,对任何使用 MySQL 的人来说都应该很有趣。我们鼓励您在这里查看 MySQL 分区工作者的博客链接,或者将自己的博客添加到涵盖的内容中。
A MySQL news site featuring MySQL-related blogs, which should be of interest to anyone using my MySQL. We encourage you to check here for links to blogs kept by those working with MySQL Partitioning, or to have your own blog added to those covered.