MySql 中文参考指南
Chapter 35 Telemetry
Table of Contents
OpenTelemetry (OTel) 项目是一个开源、与供应商无关的可观测性框架,它提供了一种常见的可观测性标准。它使用户能够对自己的应用程序进行编制,以便导出可观测性数据:跟踪、指标和日志,这便于提高调试和测试的粒度。
The OpenTelemetry (OTel) project is an open-source, vendor-neutral observability framework, providing a common observability standard. It enables users to instrument their applications in order to export observability data: traces, metrics and logs, enabling increased granularity of debugging and testing.
本章假设熟悉了 OpenTelemetry Documentation。 |
This chapter assumes familiarity with the OpenTelemetry Documentation. |