Postgresql 中文操作指南

本部分涵盖了 PostgreSQL 数据库管理员感兴趣的主题。其中包括软件安装、服务器安装和配置、用户和数据库管理以及维护任务。任何运行 PostgreSQL 服务器的人,即使是出于个人用途,但特别是在生产环境中,都应该熟悉本部分介绍的主题。

This part covers topics that are of interest to a PostgreSQL database administrator. This includes installation of the software, set up and configuration of the server, management of users and databases, and maintenance tasks. Anyone who runs a PostgreSQL server, even for personal use, but especially in production, should be familiar with the topics covered in this part.

本部分的信息按照新用户应该阅读的顺序排列。不过,章节是独立的,可以根据需要单独阅读。本部分的信息以叙事方式按专题单元呈现。寻找特定命令完整描述的读者应该参见 Part VI

The information in this part is arranged approximately in the order in which a new user should read it. But the chapters are self-contained and can be read individually as desired. The information in this part is presented in a narrative fashion in topical units. Readers looking for a complete description of a particular command should see Part VI.

前几章的编写方式使它们可以在没有先决知识的情况下被理解,因此需要设置自己服务器的新用户可以从此部分开始他们的探索。本部分的其余部分关于优化和管理;该材料假定读者熟悉 PostgreSQL 数据库系统的常规使用。鼓励读者查看 Part IPart II 了解更多信息。

The first few chapters are written so they can be understood without prerequisite knowledge, so new users who need to set up their own server can begin their exploration with this part. The rest of this part is about tuning and management; that material assumes that the reader is familiar with the general use of the PostgreSQL database system. Readers are encouraged to look at Part I and Part II for additional information.

Table of Contents