Postgresql 中文操作指南
pg_controldata — 显示 PostgreSQL 数据库集群的控制信息
pg_controldata — display control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
pg_controldata 打印在 initdb 期间初始化的信息,如目录版本。它还显示关于预写日志和检查点处理的信息。这些信息是群集范围的,而不是特定于任何一个数据库。
pg_controldata prints information initialized during initdb, such as the catalog version. It also shows information about write-ahead logging and checkpoint processing. This information is cluster-wide, and not specific to any one database.
此实用程序只能由初始化集群的用户运行,因为它需要对数据目录的读取访问。您可以在命令行中指定数据目录,或使用环境变量 PGDATA 。该实用程序支持选项 -V 和 —version ,它们打印 pg_controldata 版本并退出。它还支持选项 -? 和 —help ,它们输出支持的参数。
This utility can only be run by the user who initialized the cluster because it requires read access to the data directory. You can specify the data directory on the command line, or use the environment variable PGDATA. This utility supports the options -V and —version, which print the pg_controldata version and exit. It also supports options -? and —help, which output the supported arguments.