Postgresql 中文操作指南
Chapter 77. Backup Manifest Format
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由 pg_basebackup 生成的备份清单主要用于允许使用 pg_verifybackup 验证备份。但是,其他工具也可能读取备份清单文件,并将其包含的信息用作成自己的用途。为此,本章将讲述备份清单文件的格式。
The backup manifest generated by pg_basebackup is primarily intended to permit the backup to be verified using pg_verifybackup. However, it is also possible for other tools to read the backup manifest file and use the information contained therein for their own purposes. To that end, this chapter describes the format of the backup manifest file.
备份清单是作为一个 UTF-8 编码的 JSON 文档。(虽然通常要求 JSON 文档为 Unicode,但是 PostgreSQL 允许 json 和 jsonb 数据类型与任何受支持的服务器编码一起使用。备份清单没有类似的例外。)JSON 文档始终是一个对象;本对象中出现过的键将在下一节被讲述。
A backup manifest is a JSON document encoded as UTF-8. (Although in general JSON documents are required to be Unicode, PostgreSQL permits the json and jsonb data types to be used with any supported server encoding. There is no similar exception for backup manifests.) The JSON document is always an object; the keys that are present in this object are described in the next section.