Postgresql 中文操作指南

75.3. BKI File Format #

本节介绍 PostgreSQL 后端解释 BKI 文件的方式。如果 postgres.bki 文件作为示例备用,则会更容易理解本说明。

This section describes how the PostgreSQL backend interprets BKI files. This description will be easier to understand if the postgres.bki file is at hand as an example.

BKI 输入包含一系列命令。命令由多个标记组成,具体取决于命令的语法。标记通常以空格分隔,但在没有歧义的情况下不必分隔。没有特殊命令分隔符;不能在语法中属于前一个命令的下一个标记将开始一个新命令。(出于清晰起见,通常会将新命令放在新的一行上。)标记可以是某些关键字、特殊字符(括号、逗号等)、标识符、数字或单引号引用的字符串。所有项都区分大小写。

BKI input consists of a sequence of commands. Commands are made up of a number of tokens, depending on the syntax of the command. Tokens are usually separated by whitespace, but need not be if there is no ambiguity. There is no special command separator; the next token that syntactically cannot belong to the preceding command starts a new one. (Usually you would put a new command on a new line, for clarity.) Tokens can be certain key words, special characters (parentheses, commas, etc.), identifiers, numbers, or single-quoted strings. Everything is case sensitive.

# 开头的行将被忽略。

Lines starting with # are ignored.