Postgresql 中文操作指南

75.5. Structure of the Bootstrap BKI File #

open 命令在它所使用的表不存在,且在要打开的表的条目之前不能使用此命令。(这些最小表是 pg_classpg_attributepg_procpg_type。)为了允许填充这些表本身,带 bootstrap 选项的 create 会隐式打开创建的表,以便插入数据。

The open command cannot be used until the tables it uses exist and have entries for the table that is to be opened. (These minimum tables are pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_proc, and pg_type.) To allow those tables themselves to be filled, create with the bootstrap option implicitly opens the created table for data insertion.

此外,declare indexdeclare toast 命令在它们所需的系统目录创建并填充之前不能使用。

Also, the declare index and declare toast commands cannot be used until the system catalogs they need have been created and filled in.

因此,postgres.bki 文件的结构必须如下所示:

Thus, the structure of the postgres.bki file has to be:


There are doubtless other, undocumented ordering dependencies.