Postgresql 中文操作指南
53.38. pg_policy #
目录 pg_policy 存储表级的安全策略。策略包括它适用的命令类别(可能是所有命令)、它适用的角色、作为安全障碍限定符添加到包含表的查询的表达式以及作为 WITH CHECK 添加到尝试添加新记录到表的查询的选项的表达式。
The catalog pg_policy stores row-level security policies for tables. A policy includes the kind of command that it applies to (possibly all commands), the roles that it applies to, the expression to be added as a security-barrier qualification to queries that include the table, and the expression to be added as a WITH CHECK option for queries that attempt to add new records to the table.
Table 53.38. pg_policy Columns
Table 53.38. pg_policy Columns
Column Type Description |
oid oid Row identifier |
polname name The name of the policy |
polrelid oid (references pg_class.oid) The table to which the policy applies |
polcmd char The command type to which the policy is applied: r for SELECT, a for INSERT, w for UPDATE, d for DELETE, or * for all |
polpermissive bool Is the policy permissive or restrictive? |
polroles oid[] (references pg_authid.oid) The roles to which the policy is applied; zero means PUBLIC (and normally appears alone in the array) |
polqual pg_node_tree The expression tree to be added to the security barrier qualifications for queries that use the table |
polwithcheck pg_node_tree The expression tree to be added to the WITH CHECK qualifications for queries that attempt to add rows to the table |