Postgresql 中文操作指南
53.47. pg_sequence #
目录 pg_sequence 包含有关序列的信息。有关序列的一些信息(例如名称和架构)位于 pg_class
The catalog pg_sequence contains information about sequences. Some of the information about sequences, such as the name and the schema, is in pg_class
Table 53.47. pg_sequence Columns
Table 53.47. pg_sequence Columns
Column Type Description |
seqrelid oid (references pg_class.oid) The OID of the pg_class entry for this sequence |
seqtypid oid (references pg_type.oid) Data type of the sequence |
seqstart int8 Start value of the sequence |
seqincrement int8 Increment value of the sequence |
seqmax int8 Maximum value of the sequence |
seqmin int8 Minimum value of the sequence |
seqcache int8 Cache size of the sequence |
seqcycle bool Whether the sequence cycles |