Postgresql 中文操作指南

53.59. pg_ts_config #

pg_ts_config 目录包含表示文本搜索配置的条目。配置指定特定的文本搜索解析器和字典列表,用于每个解析器的输出标记类型。解析器显示在 pg_ts_config 条目中,但标记到字典的映射由 pg_ts_config_map 中的附属条目定义。

The pg_ts_config catalog contains entries representing text search configurations. A configuration specifies a particular text search parser and a list of dictionaries to use for each of the parser’s output token types. The parser is shown in the pg_ts_config entry, but the token-to-dictionary mapping is defined by subsidiary entries in pg_ts_config_map.

PostgreSQL 的文本搜索功能在 Chapter 12 中有详细的描述。

PostgreSQL’s text search features are described at length in Chapter 12.

Table 53.59. pg_ts_config Columns

Table 53.59. pg_ts_config Columns

Column Type


oid oid

Row identifier

cfgname name

Text search configuration name

cfgnamespace oid (references pg_namespace.oid)

The OID of the namespace that contains this configuration

cfgowner oid (references pg_authid.oid)

Owner of the configuration

cfgparser oid (references pg_ts_parser.oid)

The OID of the text search parser for this configuration