Postgresql 中文操作指南

53.61. pg_ts_dict #

pg_ts_dict 目录包含定义文本搜索词典的条目。一个词典取决于文本搜索模板,它指定了所需的所有实现函数;词典本身为模板支持的用户可设置参数提供值。这种分工使得词典可以由无特权用户创建。参数通过一个文本字符串 dictinitoption 指定,其格式和含义根据模板的不同而有所不同。

The pg_ts_dict catalog contains entries defining text search dictionaries. A dictionary depends on a text search template, which specifies all the implementation functions needed; the dictionary itself provides values for the user-settable parameters supported by the template. This division of labor allows dictionaries to be created by unprivileged users. The parameters are specified by a text string dictinitoption, whose format and meaning vary depending on the template.

PostgreSQL 的文本搜索功能在 Chapter 12 中有详细的描述。

PostgreSQL’s text search features are described at length in Chapter 12.

Table 53.61. pg_ts_dict Columns

Table 53.61. pg_ts_dict Columns

Column Type


oid oid

Row identifier

dictname name

Text search dictionary name

dictnamespace oid (references pg_namespace.oid)

The OID of the namespace that contains this dictionary

dictowner oid (references pg_authid.oid)

Owner of the dictionary

dicttemplate oid (references pg_ts_template.oid)

The OID of the text search template for this dictionary

dictinitoption text

Initialization option string for the template