Postgresql 中文操作指南

dblink_connect —打开与远程数据库的持久连接

dblink_connect — opens a persistent connection to a remote database


dblink_connect(text connstr) returns text
dblink_connect(text connname, text connstr) returns text


dblink_connect() 建立与远程 PostgreSQL 数据库的连接。要联系的服务器和数据库通过标准 libpq 连接字符串识别。可以选择为连接分配一个名称。可以同时打开多个已命名连接,但一次只允许有一个未命名连接。该连接将持续到关闭或数据库会话结束。

dblink_connect() establishes a connection to a remote PostgreSQL database. The server and database to be contacted are identified through a standard libpq connection string. Optionally, a name can be assigned to the connection. Multiple named connections can be open at once, but only one unnamed connection is permitted at a time. The connection will persist until closed or until the database session is ended.

连接字符串也可以是现有外部服务器的名称。建议在定义外部服务器时使用外部数据封装程序 dblink_fdw 。请参阅以下示例以及 CREATE SERVERCREATE USER MAPPING

The connection string may also be the name of an existing foreign server. It is recommended to use the foreign-data wrapper dblink_fdw when defining the foreign server. See the example below, as well as CREATE SERVER and CREATE USER MAPPING.


  • connname

    • The name to use for this connection; if omitted, an unnamed connection is opened, replacing any existing unnamed connection.

  • connstr

    • libpq-style connection info string, for example hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd options=-csearch_path=. For details see Section 34.1.1. Alternatively, the name of a foreign server.

Return Value

返回状态,始终为 OK (因为任何错误都会导致函数抛出错误而不是返回)。

Returns status, which is always OK (since any error causes the function to throw an error instead of returning).


如果不受信任的用户可以访问尚未采用 secure schema usage pattern 的数据库,请从 search_path 中删除公有可写架构以开始每个会话。例如,可以将 options=-csearch_path= 添加到 connstr 。此注意事项并不特定于 dblink ;它适用于执行任意 SQL 命令的每个界面。

If untrusted users have access to a database that has not adopted a secure schema usage pattern, begin each session by removing publicly-writable schemas from search_path. One could, for example, add options=-csearch_path= to connstr. This consideration is not specific to dblink; it applies to every interface for executing arbitrary SQL commands.

只有超级用户才能使用 dblink_connect 创建非密码验证连接和非 GSSAPI 验证连接。如果非超级用户需要此功能,请使用 dblink_connect_u 代替。

Only superusers may use dblink_connect to create non-password-authenticated and non-GSSAPI-authenticated connections. If non-superusers need this capability, use dblink_connect_u instead.

最好不要选择包含等号的连接名称,因为这会带来与其他 dblink 函数中的连接信息字符串混淆的风险。

It is unwise to choose connection names that contain equal signs, as this opens a risk of confusion with connection info strings in other dblink functions.


SELECT dblink_connect('dbname=postgres options=-csearch_path=');
(1 row)

SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'dbname=postgres options=-csearch_path=');
(1 row)

-- FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER functionality
-- Note: local connection must require password authentication for this to work properly
--       Otherwise, you will receive the following error from dblink_connect():
--       ERROR:  password is required
--       DETAIL:  Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a password.
--       HINT:  Target server's authentication method must be changed.

CREATE SERVER fdtest FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dblink_fdw OPTIONS (hostaddr '', dbname 'contrib_regression');

CREATE USER regress_dblink_user WITH PASSWORD 'secret';
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_dblink_user SERVER fdtest OPTIONS (user 'regress_dblink_user', password 'secret');
GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER fdtest TO regress_dblink_user;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE foo TO regress_dblink_user;

\c - regress_dblink_user
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'fdtest');
(1 row)

SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn', 'SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
 a  | b |       c
  0 | a | {a0,b0,c0}
  1 | b | {a1,b1,c1}
  2 | c | {a2,b2,c2}
  3 | d | {a3,b3,c3}
  4 | e | {a4,b4,c4}
  5 | f | {a5,b5,c5}
  6 | g | {a6,b6,c6}
  7 | h | {a7,b7,c7}
  8 | i | {a8,b8,c8}
  9 | j | {a9,b9,c9}
 10 | k | {a10,b10,c10}
(11 rows)

REVOKE USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER fdtest FROM regress_dblink_user;
REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE foo FROM regress_dblink_user;
DROP USER MAPPING FOR regress_dblink_user SERVER fdtest;
DROP USER regress_dblink_user;