Postgresql 中文操作指南

Chapter 36. ECPG — Embedded SQL in C

Table of Contents

本章描述了针对 PostgreSQL 的嵌入式 SQL 包。它由 Linus Tolke ( <[]> ) 和 Michael Meskes ( <[]> ) 编写。最初编写时,它适用于 C。它也可以用于 C,但尚未识别的所有 C 结构。

This chapter describes the embedded SQL package for PostgreSQL. It was written by Linus Tolke (<[]>) and Michael Meskes (<[]>). Originally it was written to work with C. It also works with C, but it does not recognize all C constructs yet.

该文档仍不完整。但由于此界面已标准化,因此可以在许多有关 SQL 的资源中找到附加信息。

This documentation is quite incomplete. But since this interface is standardized, additional information can be found in many resources about SQL.