Postgresql 中文操作指南

H.1. Client Interfaces #

基础 PostgreSQL 发行版仅包含两个客户端界面:

There are only two client interfaces included in the base PostgreSQL distribution:

所有其他语言接口都是外部项目,单独分发。 list of language interfaces保存在 PostgreSQL Wiki 上。请注意,其中一些包不受 PostgreSQL 相同许可证的约束。有关包括许可条款在内的每个语言接口的更多信息,请参阅其网站和文档。

All other language interfaces are external projects and are distributed separately. A list of language interfaces is maintained on the PostgreSQL wiki. Note that some of these packages are not released under the same license as PostgreSQL. For more information on each language interface, including licensing terms, refer to its website and documentation.