Postgresql 中文操作指南

68.1. Introduction #

GiST 代表广义搜索树。它是一种平衡的树形结构访问方法,它可以用作基础模板,用于实现任意索引方案。B 树、R 树和许多其他索引方案可以在 GiST 中实现。

GiST stands for Generalized Search Tree. It is a balanced, tree-structured access method, that acts as a base template in which to implement arbitrary indexing schemes. B-trees, R-trees and many other indexing schemes can be implemented in GiST.

GiST 的一个优点是它允许数据类型领域的专家,而不是数据库专家开发具有适当访问方法的自定义数据类型。

One advantage of GiST is that it allows the development of custom data types with the appropriate access methods, by an expert in the domain of the data type, rather than a database expert.

此处的一些信息来自加州大学伯克利分校的 GiST 索引项目 web site 和马塞尔·科纳克的论文 Access Methods for Next-Generation Database Systems。PostgreSQL 中的 GiST 实现主要由 Teodor Sigaev 和 Oleg Bartunov 维护,他们还有更多信息 web site

Some of the information here is derived from the University of California at Berkeley’s GiST Indexing Project web site and Marcel Kornacker’s thesis, Access Methods for Next-Generation Database Systems. The GiST implementation in PostgreSQL is primarily maintained by Teodor Sigaev and Oleg Bartunov, and there is more information on their web site.