Postgresql 中文操作指南

37.56. triggered_update_columns #

对于当前数据库中指定了列列表的触发器(例如 UPDATE OF column1, column2),视图 triggered_update_columns 标识了这些列。未指定列列表的触发器不包含在此视图中。仅显示当前用户拥有或对其具有 SELECT 以外权限的那些列。

For triggers in the current database that specify a column list (like UPDATE OF column1, column2), the view triggered_update_columns identifies these columns. Triggers that do not specify a column list are not included in this view. Only those columns are shown that the current user owns or has some privilege other than SELECT on.

Table 37.54. triggered_update_columns Columns

Table 37.54. triggered_update_columns Columns

Column Type


trigger_catalog sql_identifier

Name of the database that contains the trigger (always the current database)

trigger_schema sql_identifier

Name of the schema that contains the trigger

trigger_name sql_identifier

Name of the trigger

event_object_catalog sql_identifier

Name of the database that contains the table that the trigger is defined on (always the current database)

event_object_schema sql_identifier

Name of the schema that contains the table that the trigger is defined on

event_object_table sql_identifier

Name of the table that the trigger is defined on

event_object_column sql_identifier

Name of the column that the trigger is defined on