Postgresql 中文操作指南
37.57. triggers #
视图 triggers 包含在当前用户拥有或具有 SELECT 之外的某些权限的表和视图上定义的所有触发器。
The view triggers contains all triggers defined in the current database on tables and views that the current user owns or has some privilege other than SELECT on.
Table 37.55. triggers Columns
Table 37.55. triggers Columns
Column Type Description |
trigger_catalog sql_identifier Name of the database that contains the trigger (always the current database) |
trigger_schema sql_identifier Name of the schema that contains the trigger |
trigger_name sql_identifier Name of the trigger |
event_manipulation character_data Event that fires the trigger (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) |
event_object_catalog sql_identifier Name of the database that contains the table that the trigger is defined on (always the current database) |
event_object_schema sql_identifier Name of the schema that contains the table that the trigger is defined on |
event_object_table sql_identifier Name of the table that the trigger is defined on |
action_order cardinal_number Firing order among triggers on the same table having the same event_manipulation, action_timing, and action_orientation. In PostgreSQL, triggers are fired in name order, so this column reflects that. |
action_condition character_data WHEN condition of the trigger, null if none (also null if the table is not owned by a currently enabled role) |
action_statement character_data Statement that is executed by the trigger (currently always EXECUTE FUNCTION _function(…)_) |
action_orientation character_data Identifies whether the trigger fires once for each processed row or once for each statement (ROW or STATEMENT) |
action_timing character_data Time at which the trigger fires (BEFORE, AFTER, or INSTEAD OF) |
action_reference_old_table sql_identifier Name of the “old” transition table, or null if none |
action_reference_new_table sql_identifier Name of the “new” transition table, or null if none |
action_reference_old_row sql_identifier Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL |
action_reference_new_row sql_identifier Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL |
created time_stamp Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL |
PostgreSQL 中的触发器与 SQL 标准存在两个不兼容处,会影响信息架构中的表示形式。首先,触发器名称在 PostgreSQL 中属于每个表局部,而不是独立架构对象。因此,一个架构中可以定义重复的触发器名称,只要它们属于不同的表即可。(trigger_catalog 和 trigger_schema 实际上是针对触发器定义的表的相应值。)其次,触发器可以在 PostgreSQL 中定义为针对多个事件触发(例如 ON INSERT OR UPDATE),而 SQL 标准只允许一个。如果将触发器定义为针对多个事件触发,则在信息架构中会将其表示为多行,每种事件类型一行。由于这两个问题,视图 triggers 的主键实际上是 (trigger_catalog, trigger_schema, event_object_table, trigger_name, event_manipulation) 而不是 SQL 标准规定的 (trigger_catalog, trigger_schema, trigger_name)。不过,如果您以符合 SQL 标准的方式定义了触发器(架构中触发器名称唯一,且每个触发器只有一个事件类型),则这不会影响您。
Triggers in PostgreSQL have two incompatibilities with the SQL standard that affect the representation in the information schema. First, trigger names are local to each table in PostgreSQL, rather than being independent schema objects. Therefore there can be duplicate trigger names defined in one schema, so long as they belong to different tables. (trigger_catalog and trigger_schema are really the values pertaining to the table that the trigger is defined on.) Second, triggers can be defined to fire on multiple events in PostgreSQL (e.g., ON INSERT OR UPDATE), whereas the SQL standard only allows one. If a trigger is defined to fire on multiple events, it is represented as multiple rows in the information schema, one for each type of event. As a consequence of these two issues, the primary key of the view triggers is really (trigger_catalog, trigger_schema, event_object_table, trigger_name, event_manipulation) instead of (trigger_catalog, trigger_schema, trigger_name), which is what the SQL standard specifies. Nonetheless, if you define your triggers in a manner that conforms with the SQL standard (trigger names unique in the schema and only one event type per trigger), this will not affect you.
在 PostgreSQL 9.1 之前,此视图的列 action_timing、action_reference_old_table、action_reference_new_table、action_reference_old_row 和 action_reference_new_row 分别被命名为 condition_timing、condition_reference_old_table、condition_reference_new_table、condition_reference_old_row 和 condition_reference_new_row。这是它们在 SQL:1999 标准中的命名方式。新命名符合 SQL:2003 和更高版本。
Prior to PostgreSQL 9.1, this view’s columns action_timing, action_reference_old_table, action_reference_new_table, action_reference_old_row, and action_reference_new_row were named condition_timing, condition_reference_old_table, condition_reference_new_table, condition_reference_old_row, and condition_reference_new_row respectively. That was how they were named in the SQL:1999 standard. The new naming conforms to SQL:2003 and later.