Postgresql 中文操作指南

32.3. Configuration #

配置变量 jit 确定 JIT 编译是启用还是禁用。如果启用 JIT 编译,则配置变量 jit_above_costjit_inline_above_costjit_optimize_above_cost 将确定是否对查询执行 JIT 编译,以及投入多少精力进行编译。

The configuration variable jit determines whether JIT compilation is enabled or disabled. If it is enabled, the configuration variables jit_above_cost, jit_inline_above_cost, and jit_optimize_above_cost determine whether JIT compilation is performed for a query, and how much effort is spent doing so.

jit_provider 确定使用哪个 JIT 实现。很少需要更改它。参见 Section 32.4.2

jit_provider determines which JIT implementation is used. It is rarely required to be changed. See Section 32.4.2.

出于开发和调试目的,还存在一些其他配置参数,如 Section 20.17 中所述。

For development and debugging purposes a few additional configuration parameters exist, as described in Section 20.17.