Postgresql 中文操作指南
35.1. Introduction #
所有大对象都存储在名为 pg_largeobject 的单个系统表中。每个大对象还在系统表 pg_largeobject_metadata 中有一个条目。可以使用类似于文件标准操作的读/写 API 来创建、修改和大对象。
All large objects are stored in a single system table named pg_largeobject. Each large object also has an entry in the system table pg_largeobject_metadata. Large objects can be created, modified, and deleted using a read/write API that is similar to standard operations on files.
PostgreSQL 还支持称为 “TOAST” 的存储系统,它会自动将大于单个数据库页面的值存储到每个表的辅助存储区域中。这使得大对象机制部分过时。大对象机制的一个剩余优势是,它允许值高达 4 TB,而经过 TOAST 处理的字段最多只能为 1 GB。此外,可以有效地读取和更新大对象的某些部分,而对经过 TOAST 处理的字段的大多数操作都会将整个值作为单位进行读写。
PostgreSQL also supports a storage system called “TOAST”, which automatically stores values larger than a single database page into a secondary storage area per table. This makes the large object facility partially obsolete. One remaining advantage of the large object facility is that it allows values up to 4 TB in size, whereas TOASTed fields can be at most 1 GB. Also, reading and updating portions of a large object can be done efficiently, while most operations on a TOASTed field will read or write the whole value as a unit.