Postgresql 中文操作指南



ALTER PROCEDURE — change the definition of a procedure


ALTER PROCEDURE name [ ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [, ...] ] ) ]
    action [ ... ] [ RESTRICT ]
ALTER PROCEDURE name [ ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [, ...] ] ) ]
    RENAME TO new_name
ALTER PROCEDURE name [ ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [, ...] ] ) ]
ALTER PROCEDURE name [ ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [, ...] ] ) ]
    SET SCHEMA new_schema
ALTER PROCEDURE name [ ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [, ...] ] ) ]
    [ NO ] DEPENDS ON EXTENSION extension_name

where action is one of:

    SET configuration_parameter { TO | = } { value | DEFAULT }
    SET configuration_parameter FROM CURRENT
    RESET configuration_parameter



ALTER PROCEDURE changes the definition of a procedure.

您必须拥有该过程才能使用 ALTER PROCEDURE 。要更改过程架构,您还必须对新架构拥有 CREATE 特权。要更改所有者,您必须能够将 SET ROLE 所有权转让给新的所有者角色,并且该角色必须对该过程的架构拥有 CREATE 特权。(这些限制强制执行所有者更改操作不得执行通过删除和重新创建过程无法执行的操作。但是,超级用户无论如何都可以更改任何过程的所有权。)

You must own the procedure to use ALTER PROCEDURE. To change a procedure’s schema, you must also have CREATE privilege on the new schema. To alter the owner, you must be able to SET ROLE to the new owning role, and that role must have CREATE privilege on the procedure’s schema. (These restrictions enforce that altering the owner doesn’t do anything you couldn’t do by dropping and recreating the procedure. However, a superuser can alter ownership of any procedure anyway.)


  • name

    • The name (optionally schema-qualified) of an existing procedure. If no argument list is specified, the name must be unique in its schema.

  • argmode

    • The mode of an argument: IN, OUT, INOUT, or VARIADIC. If omitted, the default is IN.

  • argname

    • The name of an argument. Note that ALTER PROCEDURE does not actually pay any attention to argument names, since only the argument data types are used to determine the procedure’s identity.

  • argtype

    • The data type(s) of the procedure’s arguments (optionally schema-qualified), if any. See DROP PROCEDURE for the details of how the procedure is looked up using the argument data type(s).

  • new_name

    • The new name of the procedure.

  • new_owner

    • The new owner of the procedure. Note that if the procedure is marked SECURITY DEFINER, it will subsequently execute as the new owner.

  • new_schema

    • The new schema for the procedure.

  • extension_name

    • This form marks the procedure as dependent on the extension, or no longer dependent on the extension if NO is specified. A procedure that’s marked as dependent on an extension is dropped when the extension is dropped, even if cascade is not specified. A procedure can depend upon multiple extensions, and will be dropped when any one of those extensions is dropped.


    • Change whether the procedure is a security definer or not. The key word EXTERNAL is ignored for SQL conformance. See CREATE PROCEDURE for more information about this capability.

  • configuration_parameter__value

    • Add or change the assignment to be made to a configuration parameter when the procedure is called. If value is DEFAULT or, equivalently, RESET is used, the procedure-local setting is removed, so that the procedure executes with the value present in its environment. Use RESET ALL to clear all procedure-local settings. SET FROM CURRENT saves the value of the parameter that is current when ALTER PROCEDURE is executed as the value to be applied when the procedure is entered.

    • See SET and Chapter 20 for more information about allowed parameter names and values.


    • Ignored for conformance with the SQL standard.


要将拥有两个 integer 类型参数的 insert_data 过程重命名为 insert_record

To rename the procedure insert_data with two arguments of type integer to insert_record:

ALTER PROCEDURE insert_data(integer, integer) RENAME TO insert_record;

要将拥有两个 integer 类型参数的 insert_data 过程的所有者更改为 joe

To change the owner of the procedure insert_data with two arguments of type integer to joe:

ALTER PROCEDURE insert_data(integer, integer) OWNER TO joe;

要将拥有两个 integer 类型参数的 insert_data 过程的架构更改为 accounting

To change the schema of the procedure insert_data with two arguments of type integer to accounting:

ALTER PROCEDURE insert_data(integer, integer) SET SCHEMA accounting;

要将 insert_data(integer, integer) 过程标记为依赖于 myext 扩展:

To mark the procedure insert_data(integer, integer) as being dependent on the extension myext:

ALTER PROCEDURE insert_data(integer, integer) DEPENDS ON EXTENSION myext;


To adjust the search path that is automatically set for a procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE check_password(text) SET search_path = admin, pg_temp;

禁用 search_path 的自动设置,针对某个过程:

To disable automatic setting of search_path for a procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE check_password(text) RESET search_path;


The procedure will now execute with whatever search path is used by its caller.


该声明部分兼容 SQL 标准中的 ALTER PROCEDURE 声明。该标准允许修改更多过程特性,但无法重命名过程、将过程设为安全定义方、将配置参数值附加到过程,或更改过程的所有者、架构或易失性。该标准还要求使用 RESTRICT 关键字,而在 PostgreSQL 中该关键字是可选的。

This statement is partially compatible with the ALTER PROCEDURE statement in the SQL standard. The standard allows more properties of a procedure to be modified, but does not provide the ability to rename a procedure, make a procedure a security definer, attach configuration parameter values to a procedure, or change the owner, schema, or volatility of a procedure. The standard also requires the RESTRICT key word, which is optional in PostgreSQL.