Postgresql 中文操作指南

Chapter 4. SQL Syntax

Table of Contents

本章介绍了 SQL 语法。它构成了理解以下章节的基础,这些章节将详细介绍如何应用 SQL 命令来定义和修改数据。

This chapter describes the syntax of SQL. It forms the foundation for understanding the following chapters which will go into detail about how SQL commands are applied to define and modify data.

我们还建议已经熟悉 SQL 的用户仔细阅读本章,因为它包含几条在 SQL 数据库之间实现不一致或特定于 PostgreSQL 的规则和概念。

We also advise users who are already familiar with SQL to read this chapter carefully because it contains several rules and concepts that are implemented inconsistently among SQL databases or that are specific to PostgreSQL.