Postgresql 中文操作指南
13.2. Transaction Isolation #
SQL 标准定义了事务隔离的四个级别。最严格的是可串行化,该级别由标准中的一段说明定义:可串行化事务集的任何并发执行都保证会产生与以某种顺序一次执行它们相同的效果。其他三级定义为并发事务之间交互导致的现象,在不同级别不应发生。标准指出,由于可串行化的定义,这些现象都不会在该级别出现。(这不难想象 - 如果事务的效果必须与一次执行一致,你怎么能看到由交互引起的任何现象?)
The SQL standard defines four levels of transaction isolation. The most strict is Serializable, which is defined by the standard in a paragraph which says that any concurrent execution of a set of Serializable transactions is guaranteed to produce the same effect as running them one at a time in some order. The other three levels are defined in terms of phenomena, resulting from interaction between concurrent transactions, which must not occur at each level. The standard notes that due to the definition of Serializable, none of these phenomena are possible at that level. (This is hardly surprising — if the effect of the transactions must be consistent with having been run one at a time, how could you see any phenomena caused by interactions?)
The phenomena which are prohibited at various levels are:
dirty read
A transaction reads data written by a concurrent uncommitted transaction.
nonrepeatable read
A transaction re-reads data it has previously read and finds that data has been modified by another transaction (that committed since the initial read).
phantom read
A transaction re-executes a query returning a set of rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that the set of rows satisfying the condition has changed due to another recently-committed transaction.
serialization anomaly
The result of successfully committing a group of transactions is inconsistent with all possible orderings of running those transactions one at a time.
Table 13.1 中描述了 SQL 标准和 PostgreSQL 实现的事务隔离级别。
The SQL standard and PostgreSQL-implemented transaction isolation levels are described in Table 13.1.
Table 13.1. Transaction Isolation Levels
Isolation Level |
Dirty Read |
Nonrepeatable Read |
Phantom Read |
Serialization Anomaly |
Read uncommitted |
Allowed, but not in PG |
Possible |
Possible |
Possible |
Read committed |
Not possible |
Possible |
Possible |
Possible |
Repeatable read |
Not possible |
Not possible |
Allowed, but not in PG |
Possible |
Serializable |
Not possible |
Not possible |
Not possible |
Not possible |
在 PostgreSQL 中,你可以请求四种标准事务隔离级别中的任何一种,但在内部只实现了三个不同的隔离级别,即 PostgreSQL 的无限制读取模式的行为类似于已提交读取。这是因为这是将标准隔离级别映射到 PostgreSQL 的多版本并发控制体系结构的唯一合理方式。
In PostgreSQL, you can request any of the four standard transaction isolation levels, but internally only three distinct isolation levels are implemented, i.e., PostgreSQL’s Read Uncommitted mode behaves like Read Committed. This is because it is the only sensible way to map the standard isolation levels to PostgreSQL’s multiversion concurrency control architecture.
该表还显示 PostgreSQL 的可重复读取实现不允许幻影读取。这是 SQL 标准可以接受的,因为该标准指定了哪些异常必须 not 发生在某些隔离级别;更高的保证是可以接受的。可用隔离级别的行为在以下小节中做了详细说明。
The table also shows that PostgreSQL’s Repeatable Read implementation does not allow phantom reads. This is acceptable under the SQL standard because the standard specifies which anomalies must not occur at certain isolation levels; higher guarantees are acceptable. The behavior of the available isolation levels is detailed in the following subsections.
若要设置事务的事务隔离级别,请使用命令 SET TRANSACTION 。
To set the transaction isolation level of a transaction, use the command SET TRANSACTION.
一些PostgreSQL数据类型和函数对事务行为具有特殊规则。特别是,对序列所做的更改(因此也是使用_serial_声明的列的计数器)对所有其他事务都是立即可见的,并且如果进行更改的事务中止,则不会回滚。请参阅 Section 9.17和 Section 8.1.4。
Some PostgreSQL data types and functions have special rules regarding transactional behavior. In particular, changes made to a sequence (and therefore the counter of a column declared using serial) are immediately visible to all other transactions and are not rolled back if the transaction that made the changes aborts. See Section 9.17 and Section 8.1.4.
13.2.1. Read Committed Isolation Level #
Read Committed 是 PostgreSQL 中的默认隔离级别。当事务使用此隔离级别时,SELECT 查询(没有 FOR UPDATE/SHARE 子句)只看到在查询开始之前已提交的数据;在查询执行期间,它既看不到未提交的数据,也看不到由并发事务提交的更改。实际上,SELECT 查询会在查询开始运行时看到数据库的一个快照。但是 SELECT 会看到在其自己的事务内执行的先前更新的效果,即使这些更新尚未提交。还需要注意的是,即使在单个事务中,两个连续的 SELECT 命令也可能看到不同的数据,如果其他事务在第一个 SELECT 启动后且在第二个 SELECT 启动前提交更改。
Read Committed is the default isolation level in PostgreSQL. When a transaction uses this isolation level, a SELECT query (without a FOR UPDATE/SHARE clause) sees only data committed before the query began; it never sees either uncommitted data or changes committed by concurrent transactions during the query’s execution. In effect, a SELECT query sees a snapshot of the database as of the instant the query begins to run. However, SELECT does see the effects of previous updates executed within its own transaction, even though they are not yet committed. Also note that two successive SELECT commands can see different data, even though they are within a single transaction, if other transactions commit changes after the first SELECT starts and before the second SELECT starts.
UPDATE、DELETE、SELECT FOR UPDATE 和 SELECT FOR SHARE 命令与 SELECT 在搜索目标行方面表现相同:这些命令只会查找截至命令开始时间已提交的目标行。但是,在找到这样的目标行之前,它可能已被另一个并发事务更新(或删除或锁定)。在这种情况下,准更新者将等待第一个更新事务提交或回滚(如果事务仍处于进行中)。如果第一个更新者回滚,则其效果将被否决,第二个更新者可以继续更新最初找到的行。如果第一个更新者提交,则如果第一个更新者删除了行,第二个更新者将忽略该行,否则,它将尝试对其操作应用到行的更新版本。对命令的搜索条件(WHERE 子句)将被重新评估,以查看该行的更新版本是否仍与搜索条件匹配。如果是,则第二个更新者会使用行的更新版本继续进行其操作。对于 SELECT FOR UPDATE 和 SELECT FOR SHARE,这意味着被锁定并返回给客户端的是该行的更新版本。
UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT FOR UPDATE, and SELECT FOR SHARE commands behave the same as SELECT in terms of searching for target rows: they will only find target rows that were committed as of the command start time. However, such a target row might have already been updated (or deleted or locked) by another concurrent transaction by the time it is found. In this case, the would-be updater will wait for the first updating transaction to commit or roll back (if it is still in progress). If the first updater rolls back, then its effects are negated and the second updater can proceed with updating the originally found row. If the first updater commits, the second updater will ignore the row if the first updater deleted it, otherwise it will attempt to apply its operation to the updated version of the row. The search condition of the command (the WHERE clause) is re-evaluated to see if the updated version of the row still matches the search condition. If so, the second updater proceeds with its operation using the updated version of the row. In the case of SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT FOR SHARE, this means it is the updated version of the row that is locked and returned to the client.
附有 ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE 子句的 INSERT 的行为方式类似。在已提交读取模式下,将插入或更新提议的每行。除非有无关错误,否则可确保这两个结果之一。如果冲突起源于另一个事务,而其效果对 INSERT 来说尚不可见,则 UPDATE 子句会影响该行,即使该行的 no 版本通常对该命令可见也是如此。
INSERT with an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clause behaves similarly. In Read Committed mode, each row proposed for insertion will either insert or update. Unless there are unrelated errors, one of those two outcomes is guaranteed. If a conflict originates in another transaction whose effects are not yet visible to the INSERT, the UPDATE clause will affect that row, even though possibly no version of that row is conventionally visible to the command.
带有 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING 子句的 INSERT 可能会导致由于另一个事务的结果而无法对某行进行插入,而对 INSERT 的快照来说该事务的效果不可见。同样,这种情况仅在已提交读取模式下才会发生。
INSERT with an ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING clause may have insertion not proceed for a row due to the outcome of another transaction whose effects are not visible to the INSERT snapshot. Again, this is only the case in Read Committed mode.
MERGE 允许用户指定 INSERT、UPDATE 和 DELETE 子命令的各种组合。同时具有 INSERT 和 UPDATE 子命令的 MERGE 命令与带有 ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE 子句的 INSERT 类似,但不能保证 INSERT 或 UPDATE 都会发生。如果 MERGE 尝试 UPDATE 或 DELETE,并且该行被同时更新但连接条件仍然通过当前目标和当前源元组,则 MERGE 的行为将与 UPDATE 或 DELETE 命令相同,并对行的更新版本执行其操作。但是,由于 MERGE 可以指定多个操作且这些操作可以是条件,因此会在行的更新版本上重新评估每个操作的条件,从第一个操作开始,即使最初匹配的操作出现在操作列表的后面也是如此。另一方面,如果该行是同时更新或删除的,以致连接条件失败,则 MERGE 将接着评估该条件的 NOT MATCHED 操作,并执行第一个成功的操作。如果 MERGE 尝试 INSERT,且存在唯一索引并同时插入了一行重复数据,则会引发唯一性违例错误;MERGE 不会通过重新启动对 MATCHED 条件的评估来尝试避免此类错误。
MERGE allows the user to specify various combinations of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE subcommands. A MERGE command with both INSERT and UPDATE subcommands looks similar to INSERT with an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clause but does not guarantee that either INSERT or UPDATE will occur. If MERGE attempts an UPDATE or DELETE and the row is concurrently updated but the join condition still passes for the current target and the current source tuple, then MERGE will behave the same as the UPDATE or DELETE commands and perform its action on the updated version of the row. However, because MERGE can specify several actions and they can be conditional, the conditions for each action are re-evaluated on the updated version of the row, starting from the first action, even if the action that had originally matched appears later in the list of actions. On the other hand, if the row is concurrently updated or deleted so that the join condition fails, then MERGE will evaluate the condition’s NOT MATCHED actions next, and execute the first one that succeeds. If MERGE attempts an INSERT and a unique index is present and a duplicate row is concurrently inserted, then a uniqueness violation error is raised; MERGE does not attempt to avoid such errors by restarting evaluation of MATCHED conditions.
Because of the above rules, it is possible for an updating command to see an inconsistent snapshot: it can see the effects of concurrent updating commands on the same rows it is trying to update, but it does not see effects of those commands on other rows in the database. This behavior makes Read Committed mode unsuitable for commands that involve complex search conditions; however, it is just right for simpler cases. For example, consider updating bank balances with transactions like:
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100.00 WHERE acctnum = 12345;
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100.00 WHERE acctnum = 7534;
如果两个此类事务同时尝试更改帐号 12345 的余额,我们显然希望第二个事务从该帐号行的更新版本开始。因为每个命令仅影响一个预定的行,所以让它看到该行的更新版本不会产生任何麻烦的不一致。
If two such transactions concurrently try to change the balance of account 12345, we clearly want the second transaction to start with the updated version of the account’s row. Because each command is affecting only a predetermined row, letting it see the updated version of the row does not create any troublesome inconsistency.
在已提交读取模式下,更为复杂的用法可能会产生不良结果。例如,考虑一个 DELETE 命令,它对另一个命令同时从其限制条件中添加和删除的数据进行操作,例如,假设 website 是一个包含两行的表,且 website.hits 等于 9 和 10:
More complex usage can produce undesirable results in Read Committed mode. For example, consider a DELETE command operating on data that is being both added and removed from its restriction criteria by another command, e.g., assume website is a two-row table with website.hits equaling 9 and 10:
UPDATE website SET hits = hits + 1;
-- run from another session: DELETE FROM website WHERE hits = 10;
即使在 UPDATE 之前和之后都有 website.hits = 10 行,DELETE 也不会产生任何效果。之所以会发生这种情况,是因为预更新的行值 9 被跳过了,而在 UPDATE 完成且 DELETE 获取锁时,新行值不再是 10 而是 11,这不再与该条件匹配。
The DELETE will have no effect even though there is a website.hits = 10 row before and after the UPDATE. This occurs because the pre-update row value 9 is skipped, and when the UPDATE completes and DELETE obtains a lock, the new row value is no longer 10 but 11, which no longer matches the criteria.
因为已提交读取模式以包含提交到该即时为止的所有事务的新快照来启动每个命令,所以同一事务中的后续命令无论如何都会看到已提交并发事务的影响。上述问题在于 single 命令是否看到数据库的绝对一致视图。
Because Read Committed mode starts each command with a new snapshot that includes all transactions committed up to that instant, subsequent commands in the same transaction will see the effects of the committed concurrent transaction in any case. The point at issue above is whether or not a single command sees an absolutely consistent view of the database.
The partial transaction isolation provided by Read Committed mode is adequate for many applications, and this mode is fast and simple to use; however, it is not sufficient for all cases. Applications that do complex queries and updates might require a more rigorously consistent view of the database than Read Committed mode provides.
13.2.2. Repeatable Read Isolation Level #
_Repeatable Read_隔离级别仅看到事务开始前提交的数据;它永远看不到非提交的数据或事务执行期间并发事务提交的更改。(但是,每个查询确实可以看到它自己的事务内执行的先前更新的结果,即使这些更新尚未提交。)这是此隔离级别所要求的比SQL标准更强的保证,并且可以防止 Table 13.1中描述的所有现象,序列化异常除外。如上所述,这是标准明确允许的,该标准只描述了每个隔离级别必须提供的_minimum_保护。
The Repeatable Read isolation level only sees data committed before the transaction began; it never sees either uncommitted data or changes committed by concurrent transactions during the transaction’s execution. (However, each query does see the effects of previous updates executed within its own transaction, even though they are not yet committed.) This is a stronger guarantee than is required by the SQL standard for this isolation level, and prevents all of the phenomena described in Table 13.1 except for serialization anomalies. As mentioned above, this is specifically allowed by the standard, which only describes the minimum protections each isolation level must provide.
此级别与已提交读取不同之处在于,可重复读取事务中的查询看到的快照截至 transaction 中第一个非事务控制语句开始时的时间,而非截至事务中当前语句的开始时间。因此,single 事务中的连续 SELECT 命令会看到相同的数据,即它们不会看到在自己事务开始后由其他事务提交的更改。
This level is different from Read Committed in that a query in a repeatable read transaction sees a snapshot as of the start of the first non-transaction-control statement in the transaction, not as of the start of the current statement within the transaction. Thus, successive SELECT commands within a single transaction see the same data, i.e., they do not see changes made by other transactions that committed after their own transaction started.
Applications using this level must be prepared to retry transactions due to serialization failures.
UPDATE、DELETE、MERGE、SELECT FOR UPDATE 和 SELECT FOR SHARE 命令与 SELECT 在搜索目标行方面表现相同:这些命令只会查找截至事务开始时间已提交的目标行。但是,在找到这样的目标行之前,它可能已被另一个并发事务更新(或删除或锁定)。在这种情况下,可重复读取事务将等待第一个更新事务提交或回滚(如果事务仍处于进行中)。如果第一个更新者回滚,则其效果将被否决,可重复读取事务可以继续更新最初找到的行。但如果第一个更新者提交(并且实际上更新或删除了该行,而不只是对其进行了锁定),则可重复读取事务将回滚,并显示以下消息
UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, SELECT FOR UPDATE, and SELECT FOR SHARE commands behave the same as SELECT in terms of searching for target rows: they will only find target rows that were committed as of the transaction start time. However, such a target row might have already been updated (or deleted or locked) by another concurrent transaction by the time it is found. In this case, the repeatable read transaction will wait for the first updating transaction to commit or roll back (if it is still in progress). If the first updater rolls back, then its effects are negated and the repeatable read transaction can proceed with updating the originally found row. But if the first updater commits (and actually updated or deleted the row, not just locked it) then the repeatable read transaction will be rolled back with the message
ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
because a repeatable read transaction cannot modify or lock rows changed by other transactions after the repeatable read transaction began.
When an application receives this error message, it should abort the current transaction and retry the whole transaction from the beginning. The second time through, the transaction will see the previously-committed change as part of its initial view of the database, so there is no logical conflict in using the new version of the row as the starting point for the new transaction’s update.
Note that only updating transactions might need to be retried; read-only transactions will never have serialization conflicts.
可重复读取模式提供了一个严格的保证,保证每个事务看到的是数据库完全稳定的视图。然而,此视图并不一定始终与同一级别并发事务的某个序列(一次一个)执行一致。例如,即使在此级别进行只读事务,它也可能会看到控制记录已更新,以显示某个批已完成,但 not 可能会看到属于该批的某个详细记录,因为它读取了控制记录的早期版本。在不仔细明确锁定来阻止冲突事务的情况下,试图通过在此隔离级别运行的事务来强制业务规则不太可能正确起作用。
The Repeatable Read mode provides a rigorous guarantee that each transaction sees a completely stable view of the database. However, this view will not necessarily always be consistent with some serial (one at a time) execution of concurrent transactions of the same level. For example, even a read-only transaction at this level may see a control record updated to show that a batch has been completed but not see one of the detail records which is logically part of the batch because it read an earlier revision of the control record. Attempts to enforce business rules by transactions running at this isolation level are not likely to work correctly without careful use of explicit locks to block conflicting transactions.
可重复读隔离级别采用了一种在学术数据库文献和某些数据库产品中称为 Snapshot Isolation 的技术实现。与使用传统锁定技术的系统相比,可能会观察到行为和性能的差异,这些技术降低了并发性。一些其他系统甚至可能会提供可重复读和快照隔离作为具有不同行为的独特隔离级别。区分这两种技术的允许现象在 SQL 标准开发后才由数据库研究人员正式化,并且超出了本手册的范围。有关完整处理,请参见 [id="berenson95",role="bare"]biblio.html#BERENSON95 [id="berenson95"]。
The Repeatable Read isolation level is implemented using a technique known in academic database literature and in some other database products as Snapshot Isolation. Differences in behavior and performance may be observed when compared with systems that use a traditional locking technique that reduces concurrency. Some other systems may even offer Repeatable Read and Snapshot Isolation as distinct isolation levels with different behavior. The permitted phenomena that distinguish the two techniques were not formalized by database researchers until after the SQL standard was developed, and are outside the scope of this manual. For a full treatment, please see biblio.html#BERENSON95.
在 PostgreSQL 9.1 版本之前,对可串行化事务隔离级别的请求将提供与此处描述完全相同的行为。为了保留传统的可串行化行为,现在应该请求可重复读。
Prior to PostgreSQL version 9.1, a request for the Serializable transaction isolation level provided exactly the same behavior described here. To retain the legacy Serializable behavior, Repeatable Read should now be requested.
13.2.3. Serializable Isolation Level #
Serializable isolated level 提供最严格的事务隔离。此级别为所有已提交的事务模拟串行事务执行;就好像事务逐个执行(串行)而不是并发执行一样。但是,就像可重复读级别一样,使用此级别的应用程序必须准备好由于串行化故障而重试事务。事实上,该隔离级别的工作方式与可重复读完全相同,只不过它还监控可能使一组并发可串行化事务的执行行为不一致(与所有可能串行(一次一个)执行这些事务)的条件。此监控不会引入任何阻塞 超出可重复读本身的阻塞,但监控本身会产生一些开销,并且检测条件也可能导致 serialization anomaly,这会触发 serialization failure 。
The Serializable isolation level provides the strictest transaction isolation. This level emulates serial transaction execution for all committed transactions; as if transactions had been executed one after another, serially, rather than concurrently. However, like the Repeatable Read level, applications using this level must be prepared to retry transactions due to serialization failures. In fact, this isolation level works exactly the same as Repeatable Read except that it also monitors for conditions which could make execution of a concurrent set of serializable transactions behave in a manner inconsistent with all possible serial (one at a time) executions of those transactions. This monitoring does not introduce any blocking beyond that present in repeatable read, but there is some overhead to the monitoring, and detection of the conditions which could cause a serialization anomaly will trigger a serialization failure.
例如,考虑一个表 mytab,最初包含:
As an example, consider a table mytab, initially containing:
class | value
1 | 10
1 | 20
2 | 100
2 | 200
假设可串行化事务 A 计算:
Suppose that serializable transaction A computes:
SELECT SUM(value) FROM mytab WHERE class = 1;
然后,将结果 (30) 作为 value 插入到具有 class = 2 的新行中。同时,可串行化事务 B 计算:
and then inserts the result (30) as the value in a new row with class = 2. Concurrently, serializable transaction B computes:
SELECT SUM(value) FROM mytab WHERE class = 2;
并得到结果 300,将其插入到具有 class = 1 的新行中。然后,两个事务都尝试提交。如果任何一个事务在可重复读隔离级别下运行,则都将被允许提交;但是,由于没有与结果一致的串行执行顺序,因此使用可串行化事务将允许一个事务提交,而另一个事务将回滚此消息:
and obtains the result 300, which it inserts in a new row with class = 1. Then both transactions try to commit. If either transaction were running at the Repeatable Read isolation level, both would be allowed to commit; but since there is no serial order of execution consistent with the result, using Serializable transactions will allow one transaction to commit and will roll the other back with this message:
ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions
这是因为,如果 A 在 B 之前执行,B 将计算总和 330,而不是 300,类似地,另一个顺序将导致 A 计算出不同的总和。
This is because if A had executed before B, B would have computed the sum 330, not 300, and similarly the other order would have resulted in a different sum computed by A.
当依靠可串行化事务来防止异常时,非常重要的是,在读取它的事务成功提交之前,从永久用户表读取的任何数据都不被视为有效数据。即使对于只读事务也是如此,只不过在 deferrable 只读事务中读取的数据在读取后即被视为有效,因为此类事务会等到获取一个快照,该快照有保证不受此类问题影响后,才会开始读取任何数据。在所有其他情况下,应用程序都不应依赖于在稍后中止的事务期间读取的结果;而应重试事务,直至成功为止。
When relying on Serializable transactions to prevent anomalies, it is important that any data read from a permanent user table not be considered valid until the transaction which read it has successfully committed. This is true even for read-only transactions, except that data read within a deferrable read-only transaction is known to be valid as soon as it is read, because such a transaction waits until it can acquire a snapshot guaranteed to be free from such problems before starting to read any data. In all other cases applications must not depend on results read during a transaction that later aborted; instead, they should retry the transaction until it succeeds.
为了保证真正的可串行化, PostgreSQL 使用 predicate locking,这意味着它保留了锁,这些锁允许它确定如果写操作先运行,它将如何影响从并发事务的之前读取得到的结果。在 PostgreSQL 中,这些锁不会造成任何阻塞,因此 not 在造成死锁方面发挥任何作用。它们用于识别和标记并发可串行化事务之间的依赖关系,在某些组合中可能会导致串行化异常。相反,Read Committed 或可重复读事务如果需要确保数据一致性,可能需要对整个表进行加锁,这可能会阻塞尝试使用该表的其他用户,或者它可能使用 SELECT FOR UPDATE 或 SELECT FOR SHARE,这不仅会阻塞其他事务,还会导致磁盘访问。
To guarantee true serializability PostgreSQL uses predicate locking, which means that it keeps locks which allow it to determine when a write would have had an impact on the result of a previous read from a concurrent transaction, had it run first. In PostgreSQL these locks do not cause any blocking and therefore can not play any part in causing a deadlock. They are used to identify and flag dependencies among concurrent Serializable transactions which in certain combinations can lead to serialization anomalies. In contrast, a Read Committed or Repeatable Read transaction which wants to ensure data consistency may need to take out a lock on an entire table, which could block other users attempting to use that table, or it may use SELECT FOR UPDATE or SELECT FOR SHARE which not only can block other transactions but cause disk access.
与大多数其他数据库系统一样,PostgreSQL 中的谓词锁基于事务实际访问的数据。这些将显示在 pg_locks 系统视图中,具有 mode 的 SIReadLock 。查询执行期间获取的特定锁将取决于查询使用的计划,并且在事务过程中,多个粒度较小的锁(例如,元组锁)可能会合并为粒度较粗的锁(例如,页面锁),以防止耗尽用于跟踪锁的内存。如果 READ ONLY 事务检测到不会再发生可能导致序列化异常的冲突,则该事务可能在完成之前释放其 SIRead 锁。事实上, READ ONLY 事务通常能够在启动时确定这一事实,并避免获取任何谓词锁。如果您明确请求 SERIALIZABLE READ ONLY DEFERRABLE 事务,它将阻塞,直到可以确定这一事实为止。(这是 only 的情况,其中可序列化事务会阻塞,但可重复读取事务不会。)另一方面,SIRead 锁通常需要保留到事务提交之后,直到重叠的读写事务完成为止。
Predicate locks in PostgreSQL, like in most other database systems, are based on data actually accessed by a transaction. These will show up in the pg_locks system view with a mode of SIReadLock. The particular locks acquired during execution of a query will depend on the plan used by the query, and multiple finer-grained locks (e.g., tuple locks) may be combined into fewer coarser-grained locks (e.g., page locks) during the course of the transaction to prevent exhaustion of the memory used to track the locks. A READ ONLY transaction may be able to release its SIRead locks before completion, if it detects that no conflicts can still occur which could lead to a serialization anomaly. In fact, READ ONLY transactions will often be able to establish that fact at startup and avoid taking any predicate locks. If you explicitly request a SERIALIZABLE READ ONLY DEFERRABLE transaction, it will block until it can establish this fact. (This is the only case where Serializable transactions block but Repeatable Read transactions don’t.) On the other hand, SIRead locks often need to be kept past transaction commit, until overlapping read write transactions complete.
一致使用可串行化事务可以简化开发。这样做的保障是,任何一组成功提交的并发可串行化事务都将产生与一次执行它们一样的效果,这意味着,如果你可以证明一个事务(按书面形式)在单独运行时会执行正确操作,则可以确信它将在任何可串行化事务组合中执行正确操作,即使没有任何有关其他事务可能做什么的信息,或者它将无法成功提交。非常重要的是,使用此技术的环境应有一种处理串行化故障(始终以 SQLSTATE 值“40001”返回)的通用方法,因为它很难准确预测哪些事务可能导致读/写依赖关系,并且需要回滚以防止串行化异常。读/写依赖关系的监控需要付出成本,以串行化失败终止的事务的重新启动也是如此,但是与使用显式锁定和 SELECT FOR UPDATE 或 SELECT FOR SHARE 相关的成本和阻塞相反,可串行化事务是某些环境中的最佳性能选择。
Consistent use of Serializable transactions can simplify development. The guarantee that any set of successfully committed concurrent Serializable transactions will have the same effect as if they were run one at a time means that if you can demonstrate that a single transaction, as written, will do the right thing when run by itself, you can have confidence that it will do the right thing in any mix of Serializable transactions, even without any information about what those other transactions might do, or it will not successfully commit. It is important that an environment which uses this technique have a generalized way of handling serialization failures (which always return with an SQLSTATE value of '40001'), because it will be very hard to predict exactly which transactions might contribute to the read/write dependencies and need to be rolled back to prevent serialization anomalies. The monitoring of read/write dependencies has a cost, as does the restart of transactions which are terminated with a serialization failure, but balanced against the cost and blocking involved in use of explicit locks and SELECT FOR UPDATE or SELECT FOR SHARE, Serializable transactions are the best performance choice for some environments.
虽然 PostgreSQL 的可串行化事务隔离级别仅允许并发事务在能够证明存在会产生相同效果的串行执行顺序时进行提交,但它并不能始终防止出现真正的串行执行中不会发生的错误。特别是,即使在明确检查密钥在尝试插入之前是否存在后,也可能出现由与重叠的可串行化事务的冲突引起的唯一约束冲突。可以通过确保 all 首先显式检查是否可以执行此操作的可串行化事务,插入可能发生冲突的密钥来避免此类冲突。例如,想象一个让用户索取新密钥的应用程序,然后尝试通过首先选择它来检查该密钥是否已存在,或者通过选择最大现存密钥并添加一个来生成新密钥。如果一些可串行化事务直接插入新密钥而不遵循此协议,则即使在并发事务的串行执行中不可能发生的情况下,也可能会报告出现唯一约束冲突。
While PostgreSQL’s Serializable transaction isolation level only allows concurrent transactions to commit if it can prove there is a serial order of execution that would produce the same effect, it doesn’t always prevent errors from being raised that would not occur in true serial execution. In particular, it is possible to see unique constraint violations caused by conflicts with overlapping Serializable transactions even after explicitly checking that the key isn’t present before attempting to insert it. This can be avoided by making sure that all Serializable transactions that insert potentially conflicting keys explicitly check if they can do so first. For example, imagine an application that asks the user for a new key and then checks that it doesn’t exist already by trying to select it first, or generates a new key by selecting the maximum existing key and adding one. If some Serializable transactions insert new keys directly without following this protocol, unique constraints violations might be reported even in cases where they could not occur in a serial execution of the concurrent transactions.
For optimal performance when relying on Serializable transactions for concurrency control, these issues should be considered:
可串行化隔离级别采用了一种在学术数据库文献中称为可串行快照隔离的技术,该技术通过添加串行化异常检查来构建快照隔离。与使用传统锁定技术的其他系统相比,可能会观察到一些行为和性能的差异。有关详细信息,请参见 [id="ports12",role="bare"]biblio.html#PORTS12 [id="ports12"]。
The Serializable isolation level is implemented using a technique known in academic database literature as Serializable Snapshot Isolation, which builds on Snapshot Isolation by adding checks for serialization anomalies. Some differences in behavior and performance may be observed when compared with other systems that use a traditional locking technique. Please see biblio.html#PORTS12 for detailed information.