Postgresql 中文操作指南

3.1. Introduction #

在前面的章节中,我们介绍了使用 SQL 在 PostgreSQL 中存储和访问数据的基础知识。我们现在将讨论 SQL 的一些更高级特性,这些特性简化了管理并防止数据丢失或损坏。最后,我们将了解一些 PostgreSQL 扩展。

In the previous chapter we have covered the basics of using SQL to store and access your data in PostgreSQL. We will now discuss some more advanced features of SQL that simplify management and prevent loss or corruption of your data. Finally, we will look at some PostgreSQL extensions.

本章有时会提及 Chapter 2 中的示例以更改或改进它们,因此建议阅读该章节。本章的某些示例也可以在教程目录的 advanced.sql 中找到。该文件还包含一些可加载的示例数据,此数据不会在此处重复提供。(有关如何使用该文件,请参阅 Section 2.1。)

This chapter will on occasion refer to examples found in Chapter 2 to change or improve them, so it will be useful to have read that chapter. Some examples from this chapter can also be found in advanced.sql in the tutorial directory. This file also contains some sample data to load, which is not repeated here. (Refer to Section 2.1 for how to use the file.)