Postgresql 中文操作指南

Chapter 10. Type Conversion

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SQL 语句可能有意或无意地要求在同一个表达式中混合不同的数据类型。PostgreSQL 有广泛的机制来评估混合类型表达式。

SQL statements can, intentionally or not, require the mixing of different data types in the same expression. PostgreSQL has extensive facilities for evaluating mixed-type expressions.

在许多情况下,用户无需理解类型转换机制的细节。不过,PostgreSQL 执行的隐式转换可能会影响查询的结果。必要时,可以使用 explicit 类型转换调整这些结果。

In many cases a user does not need to understand the details of the type conversion mechanism. However, implicit conversions done by PostgreSQL can affect the results of a query. When necessary, these results can be tailored by using explicit type conversion.

本章介绍了 PostgreSQL 类型转换机制和约定。有关特定数据类型和允许的函数和运算符的更多信息,请参考 Chapter 8Chapter 9 中的相关章节。

This chapter introduces the PostgreSQL type conversion mechanisms and conventions. Refer to the relevant sections in Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 for more information on specific data types and allowed functions and operators.