Postgresql 中文操作指南
54.14. pg_policies #
pg_policies 视图提供了有关数据库中每个行级别安全策略的有用信息。
The view pg_policies provides access to useful information about each row-level security policy in the database.
Table 54.14. pg_policies Columns
Table 54.14. pg_policies Columns
Column Type Description |
schemaname name (references pg_namespace.nspname) Name of schema containing table policy is on |
tablename name (references pg_class.relname) Name of table policy is on |
policyname name (references pg_policy.polname) Name of policy |
permissive text Is the policy permissive or restrictive? |
roles name[] The roles to which this policy applies |
cmd text The command type to which the policy is applied |
qual text The expression added to the security barrier qualifications for queries that this policy applies to |
with_check text The expression added to the WITH CHECK qualifications for queries that attempt to add rows to this table |