Postgresql 中文操作指南

54.31. pg_timezone_abbrevs #

视图 pg_timezone_abbrevs 提供了当前由 datetime 输入例程识别的时区缩写列表。在修改 timezone_abbreviations 运行时参数时,此视图的内容会发生更改。

The view pg_timezone_abbrevs provides a list of time zone abbreviations that are currently recognized by the datetime input routines. The contents of this view change when the timezone_abbreviations run-time parameter is modified.

Table 54.31. pg_timezone_abbrevs Columns

Table 54.31. pg_timezone_abbrevs Columns

Column Type


abbrev text

Time zone abbreviation

utc_offset interval

Offset from UTC (positive means east of Greenwich)

is_dst bool

True if this is a daylight-savings abbreviation

虽然大多数时区缩写都表示相对于 UTC 的固定偏移,但也有一些时区缩写的历史上值一直在变化(有关更多信息,请参见 Section B.4)。在这种情况下,此视图将展示其当前含义。

While most timezone abbreviations represent fixed offsets from UTC, there are some that have historically varied in value (see Section B.4 for more information). In such cases this view presents their current meaning.