Postgresql 中文操作指南
54.32. pg_timezone_names #
视图 pg_timezone_names 提供一个 SET TIMEZONE 识别的时区名称列表,以及关联的缩写、UTC 偏移量和夏令时状态。(从技术上讲,PostgreSQL 不使用 UTC,因为不处理闰秒。)与 pg_timezone_abbrevs 中显示的缩写不同,其中许多名称隐含一组夏令时转换日期规则。因此,关联信息在本地 DST 边界内发生更改。显示的信息基于 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 的当前值计算。
The view pg_timezone_names provides a list of time zone names that are recognized by SET TIMEZONE, along with their associated abbreviations, UTC offsets, and daylight-savings status. (Technically, PostgreSQL does not use UTC because leap seconds are not handled.) Unlike the abbreviations shown in pg_timezone_abbrevs, many of these names imply a set of daylight-savings transition date rules. Therefore, the associated information changes across local DST boundaries. The displayed information is computed based on the current value of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
Table 54.32. pg_timezone_names Columns
Table 54.32. pg_timezone_names Columns
Column Type Description |
name text Time zone name |
abbrev text Time zone abbreviation |
utc_offset interval Offset from UTC (positive means east of Greenwich) |
is_dst bool True if currently observing daylight savings |