Build analytics

Quarkus 团队从 Maven 下载次数中获知 Quarkus 有了显著增长,而报告问题/疑虑的用户数量也已经了解。不过,我们需要更深入地了解平台、操作系统、Java 组合以及用户使用的构建工具。构建分析工具旨在为我们提供这些信息。

The Quarkus team has limited knowledge, from Maven download numbers, of the remarkable growth of Quarkus and the number of users reporting issues/concerns. Still, we need more insight into the platforms, operating system, Java combinations, and build tools our users employ. The build analytics tool aims to provide us with this information.

How it works

*Collection happens only at build-time*是在编译时收集,并非运行时。集合是使用 Quarkus 构建工具(Maven、Gradle)进行的。您的构建应用程序不包含任何数据集合代码。

Collection happens only at build-time and not at runtime. Collection occurs during usage of Quarkus build tooling (Maven, Gradle). Your built application does not contain any data collection code.

*All data collected is anonymous*无法将此数据关联回个人或组织。目的是了解一般模式和趋势;因此,只需要匿名数据。

All data collected is anonymous. There is no way to link this data back to an individual or organization. The intent is to learn about general patterns and trends; therefore, only anonymous data is needed.

*Collection is disabled by default*在首次使用开发人员模式时,系统会询问您是否希望选择加入数据收集。控制台会等待几秒钟以获取您的输入。

Collection is disabled by default You will be asked if you want to opt in to data collection the first time you use dev mode. The console will wait for a few seconds for your input.

This is the data being collected

  • Anonymous application name. SHA-256 hash of the Group Id + Artifact Id.

  • Anonymous application version. SHA-256 hash of the Artifact Id + Version.

  • Anonymous user id. During the 1st build, this is generated locally at random, and subsequently reused.

  • Quarkus version

  • Java version

  • GraalVM version

  • Operating system details: OS name, OS version and architecture

  • Build system details, such as Maven, Gradle, and so on.

  • If a CI system was detected

  • Country and timezone

  • Extensions enabled. Only extensions whose groupIds start with io.quarkus, io.quarkiverse or are included in the quarkus platform are collected.


And here is an example of the data payload being sent:

Example analytics payload
  "context": {
    "app": {
      "name": "ZzOlt3q0VgNK0oyUd6NDAhPqJjTSxNOAnqHb5dHfS7M=",
      "version": "FUDdh16tTKtuJkcoY2Wp57IKKwxZ/Hx42tTvi3Izpmc="
    "build": {
      "gradle_version": "N/A",
      "maven_version": "3.8.7"
    "ci": {
      "name": "unknown"
    "graalvm": {
      "java_version": "N/A",
      "vendor": "N/A",
      "version": "N/A"
    "ip": "",
    "java": {
      "vendor": "Eclipse Adoptium",
      "version": ""
    "kubernetes": {
      "detected": "false"
    "library": {
      "name": "unknown",
      "version": "unknown"
    "location": {
      "country": "PT"
    "os": {
      "name": "Mac OS X",
      "os_arch": "aarch64",
      "version": "13.3.1"
    "quarkus": {
      "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
    "timezone": "Europe/Lisbon"
  "event": "BUILD",
  "integrations": {},
  "messageId": "api-2PCI9LWQM8oRyHIS6fCQMIQ0dlR",
  "originalTimestamp": "2023-05-01T15:21:22.266033Z",
  "properties": {
    "app_extensions": [
        "artifact_id": "quarkus-resteasy-jackson",
        "group_id": "io.quarkus",
        "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
        "artifact_id": "quarkus-smallrye-openapi",
        "group_id": "io.quarkus",
        "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
        "artifact_id": "quarkus-hibernate-orm",
        "group_id": "io.quarkus",
        "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
        "artifact_id": "quarkus-opentelemetry",
        "group_id": "io.quarkus",
        "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
        "artifact_id": "quarkus-jdbc-postgresql",
        "group_id": "io.quarkus",
        "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
        "artifact_id": "quarkus-arc",
        "group_id": "io.quarkus",
        "version": "999-SNAPSHOT"
  "receivedAt": "2023-05-01T15:21:23.184Z",
  "timestamp": "2023-05-01T15:21:22.266Z",
  "type": "track",
  "userId": "872332b4-4b21-42ee-854b-d86c8629e78b"

Where are the config files?

分析配置存储在用户主目录的 `.redhat`文件夹中:

Analytics configurations are stored at the .redhat folder in the user’s home directory:

`anonymousId`是本地生成的匿名用户 ID。

anonymousId is the locally generated anonymous user id.

``持有的内容是用户同意发送分析数据还是不同意。 holds if the user has agreed to send analytics data or not.

``是远程配置的缓存,可以全局禁用分析。 cache of the remote configuration that allows to disable analytics globally.

Show me the code!

大部分代码是在 `analytics-common`模块中实现的。数据通过 Maven 和 Gradle 插件调用的 `…​)`进行发送。

The bulk of the code is implemented in the analytics-common module. Data is sent using calls to…​) from the Maven and Gradle plugins.

上传的事件存储在项目的 /target`文件夹下,名称为 `build-analytics-event.json

The uploaded events are stored under the project’s /target folder with the name build-analytics-event.json.

How to disable analytics?

Build time analytics is not active by default.


If you have opted in and would like to disable build time analytics, you can do so in two ways:

  • Globally, by editing the file in the '.redhat' folder of your user’s home directory. Update the file as follows:

  • Per project, by using the system property when building the project.

Example using maven
mvn clean install


Configuration property Type Default


Values can be true or false.

Setting this property to true will disable the collection of analytics data on that specific project regardless of any other configuration.




Base URL of the analytics service. This is were all the data is sent to.




Value in milliseconds for the timeout of the HTTP request to submit the analytics service.
