Funqy HTTP Binding with Azure Functions
可以在 Azure 函数中使用 Funqy HTTP。这允许您调用一个作为 Azure 函数部署的,使用 HTTP 的多个 Funqy 函数。
You can use Funqy HTTP on Azure Functions. This allows you to invoke on multiple Funqy functions using HTTP deployed as one Azure Function.
Funqy HTTP + Azure 函数绑定并非替代 HTTP 上的 REST。由于 Funqyneeds 需要在许多不同的协议和函数提供程序之间实现跨平台,因此其 HTTP 绑定极其极简,您将失去 REST 功能(例如链接和利用缓存控制和条件 GET 等 HTTP 功能)。您可能需要考虑使用 Quarkus 的 Jakarta REST、Spring MVC 或 Vert.x Web Reactive Route support代替。它们也适用于 Quarkus 和 Azure 函数。
The Funqy HTTP + Azure Functions binding is not a replacement for REST over HTTP. Because Funqy needs to be portable cross a lot of different protocols and function providers its HTTP binding is very minimalistic and you will lose REST features like linking and the ability to leverage HTTP features like cache-control and conditional GETs. You may want to consider using Quarkus’s Jakarta REST, Spring MVC, or Vert.x Web Reactive Route support instead. They also work with Quarkus and Azure Functions.
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按照 Azure Functions HTTP Guide进行操作。它会指导您在 Azure 函数中使用各种 HTTP 框架。包括 Funqy。
Follow the Azure Functions HTTP Guide. It walks through using a variety of HTTP frameworks on Azure Functions. Including Funqy.