Quarkus Maven Plugin
Quarkus Maven 插件构建 Quarkus 应用程序,并提供帮助程序来启动开发模式或构建原生可执行文件。有关如何使用 Quarkus Maven 插件的更多信息,请参阅 Maven Tooling guide。
The Quarkus Maven Plugin builds the Quarkus applications, and provides helpers to launch dev mode or build native executables. For more information about how to use the Quarkus Maven Plugin, please refer to the Maven Tooling guide.
Discover Maven goals
与大多数 Maven 插件类似,Quarkus Maven 插件也有一个 help
目标,它可以打印插件的描述,列出所有可用目标以及它们的描述。还可以打印出目标的详细信息、它的所有参数及其默认值。例如,要查看 create
Like most Maven plugins, the Quarkus Maven Plugin has a help
goal that prints the description of the plugin, listing all available goals as well as their description.
It is also possible to print out detailed information about a goal, all its parameters and their default values. For instance, to see the help for the create
goal, run:
./mvnw quarkus:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=create