Web dependency locator

本篇文档介绍了如何从 web 依赖项 jar(比如 WebJarsmvnpm)中提供静态资源。

This document shows how static resources can be served from web dependency jars like WebJars and mvnpm.

Using the quarkus-web-dependency-locator extension



如果你正在使用 WebJars,比如以下 JQuery:

If you are using WebJars, like the following JQuery one:


你可以从你的 HTML 中引用 jar 中的文件,例如 /webjars/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js

you can reference the files in the jar from your HTML, example /webjars/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js.

上述的是默认可用的,但是,添加 quarkus-web-dependency-locator 扩展允许你引用文件而无需在路径中包含版本,例如 /webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js

The above is available by default, however, adding the quarkus-web-dependency-locator extension allows you to reference the files without having to include the version in the path, example /webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js.


如果你正在使用 mvnpm,比如以下 Lit:

If you are using mvnpm, like the following Lit one:


你可以从你的 HTML 中引用 jar 中的文件,例如 /_static/lit/3.1.2/index.js

you can reference the files in the jar from your HTML, example /_static/lit/3.1.2/index.js.

上述的是默认可用的,但是,添加 quarkus-web-dependency-locator 扩展允许你引用文件而无需在路径中包含版本,例如 /_static/lit/index.js

The above is available by default, however, adding the quarkus-web-dependency-locator extension allows you to reference the files without having to include the version in the path, example /_static/lit/index.js.


Mvnpm jar 也允许你使用一个 importmap,它将允许你仅仅使用模块导入,例如 import { LitElement, html, css} from 'lit';

Mvnpm jars also allows you to use an importmap, that will allow you to just use module imports, example import { LitElement, html, css} from 'lit';.

importmap 由 quarkus-web-dependency-locator 扩展生成,并在 /_importmap/generated_importmap.js 中可用。这意味着将以下内容添加到你的 index.html 中将允许你按名称导入 web 库:

The importmap is generated by the quarkus-web-dependency-locator extension, and available at /_importmap/generated_importmap.js. This means adding the following to your index.html will allow you to import web libraries by name:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>My app</title>

    <script src="/_importmap/generated_importmap.js"></script> 1

    <script type="module">
        import '@lit'; 2
        import 'app/demo-app.js'; 3

1 Use the generated importmap
2 Import web libraries
3 Import your own files, this can be done by adding quarkus.web-dependency-locator.import-mappings.app/ = /app/ to the config. Any key-value pair can be added.
Automatic imports

你还可以自动执行上面的导入。要执行此操作,将你的 Web 资产从 src/main/resources/META-INF/resources 移动到 src/main/web,现在用 {#bundle /} 替换上面的脚本和导入:

You can also automate the imports above. To do this, move your web assests from src/main/resources/META-INF/resources to src/main/web and now replace the above scripts and imports with {#bundle /}:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>My app</title>

    {#bundle /} 1


1 This will be replaced at build time with the importmap script, and also include any CSS and JavaScript discovered in the /app directory.

这让你可以添加库、js 和 css,而不必更改你的 HTML。热重载也受支持。

This allows you to add libraries, js and css without having to change your HTML. Hot-reload is also supported.

Dev UI

当添加 quarkus-web-dependency-locator 扩展时,你可以在 Dev UI 中看到正在提供服务的那些文件和生成的 importmap:

When adding the quarkus-web-dependency-locator extension , you can see the files being served, and the generated importmap, in the Dev UI:

web dependency locator screenshot01web dependency locator screenshot02web dependency locator screenshot03

web dependency locator screenshot01 web dependency locator screenshot02 web dependency locator screenshot03