Listener Container Queues

  • 能够动态添加和移除队列。

  • 提高了容错性,当一个队列不可用时,容器会自动重试。

  • 当一个队列被移除时,容器会尝试恢复处理其他队列的消息。

版本 1.3 对侦听器容器中处理多个队列进行了多项改进。

Version 1.3 introduced a number of improvements for handling multiple queues in a listener container.

容器最初可以配置为监听零队列。队列可以在运行时添加和删除。SimpleMessageListenerContainer 循环回收(取消并重新创建)所有消费者,当已处理任何预取的消息时。DirectMessageListenerContainer 为每个队列创建/取消单个消费者,而不影响其他队列上的消费者。请参阅 addQueuesaddQueueNamesremoveQueuesremoveQueueNames 方法的 Javadoc

Container can be initially configured to listen on zero queues. Queues can be added and removed at runtime. The SimpleMessageListenerContainer recycles (cancels and re-creates) all consumers when any pre-fetched messages have been processed. The DirectMessageListenerContainer creates/cancels individual consumer(s) for each queue without affecting consumers on other queues. See the Javadoc for the addQueues, addQueueNames, removeQueues and removeQueueNames methods.

如果并非所有队列都可用,该容器会尝试以静默方式声明(然后消费)缺失队列,每 60 秒执行一次。

If not all queues are available, the container tries to passively declare (and consume from) the missing queues every 60 seconds.


Also, if a consumer receives a cancel from the broker (for example, if a queue is deleted) the consumer tries to recover, and the recovered consumer continues to process messages from any other configured queues. Previously, a cancel on one queue cancelled the entire consumer and, eventually, the container would stop due to the missing queue.


If you wish to permanently remove a queue, you should update the container before or after deleting to queue, to avoid future attempts trying to consume from it.