Micrometer Integration
本节记录了与 Micrometer 的集成。有关与 Micrometer Observation 集成的信息,请参阅 Micrometer Observation。 |
This section documents the integration with Micrometer. For integration with Micrometer Observation, see Micrometer Observation. |
从版本 2.2 开始,如果在类路径上检测到 Micrometer
,并且应用程序上下文中存在一个 MeterRegistry
(或恰好有一个标有 @Primary
,例如在使用 Spring Boot 时),监听器容器将自动为监听器创建并更新 Micrometer Timer
。可以通过将容器属性 micrometerEnabled
设置为 false
Starting with version 2.2, the listener containers will automatically create and update Micrometer Timer
s for the listener, if Micrometer
is detected on the class path, and a single MeterRegistry
is present in the application context (or exactly one is annotated @Primary
, such as when using Spring Boot).
The timers can be disabled by setting the container property micrometerEnabled
to false
维护着两个计时器——一个用于对监听器的成功调用,另一个用于失败。对于简单的 MessageListener
Two timers are maintained - one for successful calls to the listener and one for failures.
With a simple MessageListener
, there is a pair of timers for each configured queue.
计时器名称为 spring.rabbitmq.listener
The timers are named spring.rabbitmq.listener
and have the following tags:
: (listener id or container bean name) -
: (the queue name for a simple listener or list of configured queue names whenconsumerBatchEnabled
- because a batch may contain messages from multiple queues) -
你可以使用 micrometerTags
You can add additional tags using the micrometerTags
container property.