Changes in 1.5 Since 1.4

  • 弃用spring-erlang jar,建议使用management-rest-api。

  • CachingConnectionFactory对空"addresses"属性的处理方式进行了更改。

  • 添加了新的构造函数,允许使用URI配置代理连接。

  • 引入了resetConnection()方法,用于重置连接。

  • 侦听器容器队列声明行为的属性可配置。

  • RabbitGatewaySupport类已移动到新的软件包。

  • 改进了DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter,允许配置转换为String的LongString的最大长度。

  • 增强了@RabbitListener注解,支持queue binding规范和SpEL表达式。

  • 可以通过Bean声明交换机、队列和绑定集合,并由RabbitAdmin自动声明。

  • RabbitTemplate支持在receive方法中进行阻塞。

  • 引入RabbitManagementTemplate,用于通过REST API监视和配置RabbitMQ代理。

  • 改进了@RabbitListener,支持类级别注解和多方法侦听器。

  • SimpleMessageListenerContainer增加了对BackOff支持。

spring-erlang Is No Longer Supported

不再在发行版中包含 spring-erlang jar。请改用 management-rest-api

The spring-erlang jar is no longer included in the distribution. Use management-rest-api instead.

CachingConnectionFactory Changes

Empty Addresses Property in CachingConnectionFactory


Previously, if the connection factory was configured with a host and port but an empty String was also supplied for addresses, the host and port were ignored. Now, an empty addresses String is treated the same as a null, and the host and port are used.

URI Constructor

CachingConnectionFactory 有一个额外的构造函数,带有 URI 参数,以配置代理连接。

The CachingConnectionFactory has an additional constructor, with a URI parameter, to configure the broker connection.

Connection Reset

已经添加了一个名为 resetConnection() 的新方法,用于允许用户重置连接(或连接)。例如,您可能会使用此方法在故障转移到辅助代理后重新连接到主代理。这*确实*影响正在进行的作业。现有的 destroy() 方法执行完全相同的操作,但新方法的名称不那么令人生畏。

A new method called resetConnection() has been added to let users reset the connection (or connections). You might use this, for example, to reconnect to the primary broker after failing over to the secondary broker. This does impact in-process operations. The existing destroy() method does exactly the same, but the new method has a less daunting name.

Properties to Control Container Queue Declaration Behavior

当侦听器容器使用者启动时,他们尝试被动声明队列以确保它们在代理上可用。此前,如果这些声明失败(例如,因为队列不存在)或 HA 队列正在被移动,则重试逻辑固定在五秒间隔的三次重试尝试上。如果队列仍然不存在,则由 missingQueuesFatal 属性(默认值:true)控制行为。此外,对于配置为从多个队列中侦听的容器,如果只有一部分队列可用,则使用者会以 60 秒的固定间隔重试丢失的队列。

When the listener container consumers start, they attempt to passively declare the queues to ensure they are available on the broker. Previously, if these declarations failed (for example, because the queues didn’t exist) or when an HA queue was being moved, the retry logic was fixed at three retry attempts at five-second intervals. If the queues still do not exist, the behavior is controlled by the missingQueuesFatal property (default: true). Also, for containers configured to listen from multiple queues, if only a subset of queues are available, the consumer retried the missing queues on a fixed interval of 60 seconds.

declarationRetriesfailedDeclarationRetryIntervalretryDeclarationInterval 属性现在可配置。请参阅 Message Listener Container Configuration 了解更多信息。

The declarationRetries, failedDeclarationRetryInterval, and retryDeclarationInterval properties are now configurable. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more information.

Class Package Change

RabbitGatewaySupport 类已从 移到 o.s.amqp.rabbit.core

The RabbitGatewaySupport class has been moved from to o.s.amqp.rabbit.core.

DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter Changes

您现在可以配置 DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter 以确定转换为 String 而不是 DataInputStreamLongString 的最大长度。该转换器有一个替代构造函数,它将该值作为限制。此前,此限制以硬编码方式设置为 1024 字节。(1.4.4 中也可用)。

You can now configure the DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter to determine the maximum length of a LongString that is converted to a String rather than to a DataInputStream. The converter has an alternative constructor that takes the value as a limit. Previously, this limit was hard-coded at 1024 bytes. (Also available in 1.4.4).

@RabbitListener Improvements

@QueueBinding for @RabbitListener

bindings 属性已添加到 @RabbitListener 注解中,作为与 queues 属性互斥的,以允许规范要由 RabbitAdmin 在代理上声明的 queue、它的 exchangebinding

The bindings attribute has been added to the @RabbitListener annotation as mutually exclusive with the queues attribute to allow the specification of the queue, its exchange, and binding for declaration by a RabbitAdmin on the Broker.

SpEL in @SendTo

@RabbitListener 的默认回复地址(@SendTo)现在可以是 SpEL 表达式。

The default reply address (@SendTo) for a @RabbitListener can now be a SpEL expression.

Multiple Queue Names through Properties

您现在可以使用 SpEL 和属性占位符的组合为侦听器指定多个队列。

You can now use a combination of SpEL and property placeholders to specify multiple queues for a listener.

请参阅 Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints 了解更多信息。

See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more information.

Automatic Exchange, Queue, and Binding Declaration

您现在可以声明定义这些实体的集合的 Bean,且 RabbitAdmin 会在连接建立时将内容添加到新声明的实体列表中。有关详细信息,请参见 Declaring Collections of Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings

You can now declare beans that define a collection of these entities, and the RabbitAdmin adds the contents to the list of entities that it declares when a connection is established. See Declaring Collections of Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings for more information.

RabbitTemplate Changes

reply-address Added

reply-address 属性已被添加到 <rabbit-template> 组件作为替代 reply-queue。请参阅 Request/Reply Messaging 了解更多信息。(在 1.4.4 中也可以在 RabbitTemplate 上使用设置器)。

The reply-address attribute has been added to the <rabbit-template> component as an alternative reply-queue. See Request/Reply Messaging for more information. (Also available in 1.4.4 as a setter on the RabbitTemplate).

Blocking receive Methods

RabbitTemplate 现在支持 receiveconvertAndReceive 方法中的阻塞。请参阅 Polling Consumer 了解更多信息。

The RabbitTemplate now supports blocking in receive and convertAndReceive methods. See Polling Consumer for more information.

Mandatory with sendAndReceive Methods

在使用 sendAndReceiveconvertSendAndReceive 方法时如果设置了 mandatory 标志,那么如果无法传递请求消息,则调用线程将抛出 AmqpMessageReturnedException。有关详细信息,请参见 Reply Timeout

When the mandatory flag is set when using the sendAndReceive and convertSendAndReceive methods, the calling thread throws an AmqpMessageReturnedException if the request message cannot be delivered. See Reply Timeout for more information.

Improper Reply Listener Configuration


The framework tries to verify proper configuration of a reply listener container when using a named reply queue.

有关详细信息,请参见 Reply Listener Container

See Reply Listener Container for more information.

RabbitManagementTemplate Added

已引入 RabbitManagementTemplate 来通过其 management plugin 提供的 REST API 监视和配置 RabbitMQ 经纪人。请参阅 [management-rest-api] 了解更多信息。

The RabbitManagementTemplate has been introduced to monitor and configure the RabbitMQ Broker by using the REST API provided by its management plugin. See [management-rest-api] for more information.

Listener Container Bean Names (XML)

<listener-container/> 元素上的 id 属性已删除。从这个版本开始,<listener/> 子元素上的 id 单独用于命名为每个侦听器元素创建的侦听器容器 Bean。

The id attribute on the <listener-container/> element has been removed. Starting with this release, the id on the <listener/> child element is used alone to name the listener container bean created for each listener element.

应用常规 Spring Bean 名称覆盖。如果解析到一个与现有 Bean 相同 id 的后续 <listener/>,则新定义将覆盖现有定义。此前,Bean 名称是从 <listener-container/><listener/> 元素的 id 属性组合而成的。

Normal Spring bean name overrides are applied. If a later <listener/> is parsed with the same id as an existing bean, the new definition overrides the existing one. Previously, bean names were composed from the id attributes of the <listener-container/> and <listener/> elements.

迁移到此版本时,如果 <listener-container/> 元素上有 id 属性,请将其删除,而对子 <listener/> 元素设置 id

When migrating to this release, if you have id attributes on your <listener-container/> elements, remove them and set the id on the child <listener/> element instead.

但是,为了支持将容器作为一组进行启动和停止,已添加新的 group 属性。当定义此属性时,此元素创建的容器将添加到名称与此相同、类型为 Collection<SimpleMessageListenerContainer> 的 Bean 中。您可以遍历此组来启动和停止容器。

However, to support starting and stopping containers as a group, a new group attribute has been added. When this attribute is defined, the containers created by this element are added to a bean with this name, of type Collection<SimpleMessageListenerContainer>. You can iterate over this group to start and stop containers.

Class-Level @RabbitListener

现在可以在类级别应用 @RabbitListener 注释。与新的 @RabbitHandler 方法注释结合使用时,您可以根据有效负载类型选择处理程序方法。请参阅 Multi-method Listeners 了解更多信息。

The @RabbitListener annotation can now be applied at the class level. Together with the new @RabbitHandler method annotation, this lets you select the handler method based on payload type. See Multi-method Listeners for more information.

SimpleMessageListenerContainer: BackOff Support

现在可以通过 BackOff 实例向 SimpleMessageListenerContainer 提供 consumer 启动恢复。有关详细信息,请参阅 Message Listener Container Configuration

The SimpleMessageListenerContainer can now be supplied with a BackOff instance for consumer startup recovery. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more information.

Channel Close Logging

已经引入了控制通道关闭日志级别的机制。请参阅 Channel Close Logging

A mechanism to control the log levels of channel closure has been introduced. See Channel Close Logging.

Application Events

现在,当消费者失败时,SimpleMessageListenerContainer 将发出应用程序事件。有关详细信息,请参阅 Consumer Events

The SimpleMessageListenerContainer now emits application events when consumers fail. See Consumer Events for more information.

Consumer Tag Configuration

以前,异步消费者的消费者标签是由代理生成的。在此版本中,现在可以向侦听器容器提供命名策略。请参阅 Consumer Tags

Previously, the consumer tags for asynchronous consumers were generated by the broker. With this release, it is now possible to supply a naming strategy to the listener container. See Consumer Tags.

Using MessageListenerAdapter

MessageListenerAdapter 现在支持队列名称(或使用者标记)到方法名称的映射,以根据接收消息的队列确定要调用的委托方法。

The MessageListenerAdapter now supports a map of queue names (or consumer tags) to method names, to determine which delegate method to call based on the queue from which the message was received.

LocalizedQueueConnectionFactory Added

LocalizedQueueConnectionFactory 是一个新的连接工厂,它连接到驻留镜像队列的群集中的节点。

LocalizedQueueConnectionFactory is a new connection factory that connects to the node in a cluster where a mirrored queue actually resides.

Anonymous Queue Naming

从 1.5.3 版本开始,您现在可以控制如何生成 AnonymousQueue 名称。有关详细信息,请参见 AnonymousQueue

Starting with version 1.5.3, you can now control how AnonymousQueue names are generated. See AnonymousQueue for more information.