Changes in 2.0 Since 1.7

  • 引入单独的连接工厂,以避免生产者队列死锁。

  • 启用 AMQP 客户端库的自动恢复。

  • 修改 RabbitTemplate 以提供更可靠的消息传递。

  • 增强了监听器容器,包括新的 DirectMessageListenerContainer 和改进的预取值。

  • 弃用 Jackson 1.x 支持,并添加对 JSON 和 XML 的转换支持。

  • 改善了异常处理和消息回滚行为。

Using CachingConnectionFactory

从 2.0.2 版本开始,你可以将 RabbitTemplate 配置为使用与侦听器容器所使用的不同的连接。当生产者因任何原因被阻止时,此更改避免了死锁使用者。更多信息,请参阅 Using a Separate Connection

Starting with version 2.0.2, you can configure the RabbitTemplate to use a different connection to that used by listener containers. This change avoids deadlocked consumers when producers are blocked for any reason. See Using a Separate Connection for more information.

AMQP Client library

Spring AMQP 现在使用 RabbitMQ 团队提供的 amqp-client 新的 5.0.x 版本。此客户端默认配置自动恢复。请参阅 RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology recovery

Spring AMQP now uses the new 5.0.x version of the amqp-client library provided by the RabbitMQ team. This client has auto recovery configured by default. See RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology recovery.

从 4.0 版本开始,客户端默认启用自动恢复。Spring AMQP 虽然与此功能兼容,但它拥有自己的恢复机制,且一般不需要客户端恢复功能。我们建议您禁用自动恢复,以避免当代理可用但连接尚未恢复时出现实例。从 1.7.1 版本开始,Spring AMQP 会禁用该功能,除非您明确创建自己的 RabbitMQ 连接工厂,并将其提供给 RabbitMQ 实例。客户端创建的 RabbitMQ 实例也默认禁用该选项。

As of version 4.0, the client enables automatic recovery by default. While compatible with this feature, Spring AMQP has its own recovery mechanisms, and the client recovery feature generally is not needed. We recommend that you disable amqp-client automatic recovery, to avoid getting AutoRecoverConnectionNotCurrentlyOpenException instances when the broker is available but the connection has not yet recovered. Starting with version 1.7.1, Spring AMQP disables it unless you explicitly create your own RabbitMQ connection factory and provide it to the CachingConnectionFactory. RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory instances created by the RabbitConnectionFactoryBean also have the option disabled by default.

General Changes

默认情况下, ExchangeBuilder 现在生成持久性交换。在 @QeueueBinding 中使用的注释 @Exchange 也默认声明持久性交换。在 @RabbitListener 中使用的注释 @Queue 默认声明命名的持久性队列,如果匿名则声明非持久性队列。更多信息,请参阅 Builder API for Queues and ExchangesAnnotation-driven Listener Endpoints

The ExchangeBuilder now builds durable exchanges by default. The @Exchange annotation used within a @QeueueBinding also declares durable exchanges by default. The @Queue annotation used within a @RabbitListener by default declares durable queues if named and non-durable if anonymous. See Builder API for Queues and Exchanges and Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more information.

Deleted Classes

不再提供 UniquelyNameQueue。创建具有唯一名称的持久非自动删除队列并不常见。此类已被删除。如果您需要其功能,请使用 new Queue(UUID.randomUUID().toString())

UniquelyNameQueue is no longer provided. It is unusual to create a durable non-auto-delete queue with a unique name. This class has been deleted. If you require its functionality, use new Queue(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).

New Listener Container

DirectMessageListenerContainer 已添加到现有的 SimpleMessageListenerContainer 旁边。请参阅 Choosing a ContainerMessage Listener Container Configuration 以获取有关选择使用哪个容器以及如何配置容器的信息。

The DirectMessageListenerContainer has been added alongside the existing SimpleMessageListenerContainer. See Choosing a Container and Message Listener Container Configuration for information about choosing which container to use as well as how to configure them.

Log4j Appender

此追加器不再可用,因为 log4j 已达到生命周期结束。请参阅 Logging Subsystem AMQP Appenders 以获取有关可用日志追加器的信息。

This appender is no longer available due to the end-of-life of log4j. See Logging Subsystem AMQP Appenders for information about the available log appenders.

RabbitTemplate Changes

以前,如果非事务性参与现有事务,则它会在事务侦听器容器线程上运行。这是一个严重的错误。不过,用户可能依赖该行为。从 1.6.2 版本开始,您必须在模板上设置布尔值以便参与容器事务。

Previously, a non-transactional RabbitTemplate participated in an existing transaction if it ran on a transactional listener container thread. This was a serious bug. However, users might have relied on this behavior. Starting with version 1.6.2, you must set the channelTransacted boolean on the template for it to participate in the container transaction.

RabbitTemplate 现在使用 DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer(默认)而不是为每个请求创建一个新的消费者。更多信息,请参阅 RabbitMQ Direct reply-to

The RabbitTemplate now uses a DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer (by default) instead of creating a new consumer for each request. See RabbitMQ Direct reply-to for more information.

AsyncRabbitTemplate 现在支持直接回复。更多信息,请参阅 Async Rabbit Template

The AsyncRabbitTemplate now supports direct reply-to. See Async Rabbit Template for more information.

RabbitTemplate`和`AsyncRabbitTemplate`现在具有`receiveAndConvert`和`convertSendAndReceiveAsType`方法,这些方法采用`ParameterizedTypeReference<T>`参数,通过这些参数,调用方可以指定将结果转换为的类型。这对于复杂类型或者在消息头中未传达类型信息时特别有用。它需要`SmartMessageConverter,例如`Jackson2JsonMessageConverter`。请参阅Request/Reply MessagingAsync Rabbit TemplateConverting From a Message With RabbitTemplate[json-complex]以获取更多信息。

The RabbitTemplate and AsyncRabbitTemplate now have receiveAndConvert and convertSendAndReceiveAsType methods that take a ParameterizedTypeReference<T> argument, letting the caller specify the type to which to convert the result. This is particularly useful for complex types or when type information is not conveyed in message headers. It requires a SmartMessageConverter such as the Jackson2JsonMessageConverter. See Request/Reply Messaging, Async Rabbit Template, Converting From a Message With RabbitTemplate, and [json-complex] for more information.

你现在可以使用 RabbitTemplate 对专用通道执行多项操作。更多信息,请参阅 Scoped Operations

You can now use a RabbitTemplate to perform multiple operations on a dedicated channel. See Scoped Operations for more information.

Listener Adapter

一个方便的 FunctionalInterface 可用于将 lambda 与 MessageListenerAdapter 配合使用。有关详细信息,请参阅 xref:amqp/receiving-messages/async-consumer.adoc#message-listener-adapter[MessageListenerAdapter

A convenient FunctionalInterface is available for using lambdas with the MessageListenerAdapter. See MessageListenerAdapter for more information.

Listener Container Changes

Prefetch Default Value

默认预取值曾经为 1,这可能会导致对有效消费者的使用不足。现在,默认预取值为 250,这应该可以让消费者在大多数常见场景中保持忙碌,从而提高吞吐量。

The prefetch default value used to be 1, which could lead to under-utilization of efficient consumers. The default prefetch value is now 250, which should keep consumers busy in most common scenarios and, thus, improve throughput.

在某些情况下,预取值应当较低,例如,当消息较大时(尤其是当处理速度较慢时,消息可能会在客户端进程中占用大量内存),以及当需要严格的消息顺序时(在这种情况下,应将预取值设回 1)。另外,如果消息量较少并且消费者较多(包括单个侦听器容器实例内的并发),您可能希望减少预取,以便在各个消费者之间更均匀地分配消息。

There are scenarios where the prefetch value should be low — for example, with large messages, especially if the processing is slow (messages could add up to a large amount of memory in the client process), and if strict message ordering is necessary (the prefetch value should be set back to 1 in this case). Also, with low-volume messaging and multiple consumers (including concurrency within a single listener container instance), you may wish to reduce the prefetch to get a more even distribution of messages across consumers.

有关预先获取的更多背景信息,请参阅有关 consumer utilization in RabbitMQ 的此文章和有关 queuing theory 的此文章。

For more background about prefetch, see this post about consumer utilization in RabbitMQ and this post about queuing theory.

Message Count

以前,MessageProperties.getMessageCount() 对容器发出的消息返回 0。此属性仅当您使用 basicGet(例如,来自 RabbitTemplate.receive() 方法)时才适用,现在对容器消息初始化为 null

Previously, MessageProperties.getMessageCount() returned 0 for messages emitted by the container. This property applies only when you use basicGet (for example, from RabbitTemplate.receive() methods) and is now initialized to null for container messages.

Transaction Rollback Behavior

无论是否配置事务管理器,在事务回滚时重新排队消息现在都是一致的。更多信息,请参阅 A note on Rollback of Received Messages

Message re-queue on transaction rollback is now consistent, regardless of whether or not a transaction manager is configured. See A note on Rollback of Received Messages for more information.

Shutdown Behavior

如果容器线程在 shutdownTimeout 内没有响应关闭,则默认情况下会强制关闭通道。请参阅 Message Listener Container Configuration 以获取更多信息。

If the container threads do not respond to a shutdown within shutdownTimeout, the channels are forced closed by default. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more information.

After Receive Message Post Processors

如果 afterReceiveMessagePostProcessors 属性中的 MessagePostProcessor 返回 null,则丢弃该消息(并在适当的情况下确认)。

If a MessagePostProcessor in the afterReceiveMessagePostProcessors property returns null, the message is discarded (and acknowledged if appropriate).

Connection Factory Changes

连接和通道侦听器接口现在提供一种获取异常信息的机制。更多信息,请参阅 Connection and Channel ListenersPublishing is Asynchronous — How to Detect Successes and Failures

The connection and channel listener interfaces now provide a mechanism to obtain information about exceptions. See Connection and Channel Listeners and Publishing is Asynchronous — How to Detect Successes and Failures for more information.

现在提供了一个新的 ConnectionNameStrategy 以从 AbstractConnectionFactory 填充目标 RabbitMQ 连接的应用特定标识。有关更多信息,请参见 Connection and Resource Management

A new ConnectionNameStrategy is now provided to populate the application-specific identification of the target RabbitMQ connection from the AbstractConnectionFactory. See Connection and Resource Management for more information.

Retry Changes

不再提供 MissingMessageIdAdvice。其功能现在已内置。更多信息,请参阅 Failures in Synchronous Operations and Options for Retry

The MissingMessageIdAdvice is no longer provided. Its functionality is now built-in. See Failures in Synchronous Operations and Options for Retry for more information.

Anonymous Queue Naming

默认情况下,AnonymousQueues 现在使用默认 Base64UrlNamingStrategy 命名,而不是一个简单的 UUID 字符串。有关详细信息,请参阅 xref:amqp/broker-configuration.adoc#anonymous-queue[AnonymousQueue

By default, AnonymousQueues are now named with the default Base64UrlNamingStrategy instead of a simple UUID string. See AnonymousQueue for more information.

@RabbitListener Changes

你现在可以在 @RabbitListener 注解中提供简单的队列声明(仅绑定到默认交换)。有关更多信息,请参阅 Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints

You can now provide simple queue declarations (bound only to the default exchange) in @RabbitListener annotations. See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more information.

你现在可以配置 @RabbitListener 注解,以便将任何异常返回给发送方。你还可以配置 RabbitListenerErrorHandler 来处理异常。有关更多信息,请参阅 Handling Exceptions

You can now configure @RabbitListener annotations so that any exceptions are returned to the sender. You can also configure a RabbitListenerErrorHandler to handle exceptions. See Handling Exceptions for more information.

现在可以使用 @QueueBinding 注解绑定具有多个路由键的队列。此外, 现在支持自定义交换类型,并默认声明持久交换。

You can now bind a queue with multiple routing keys when you use the @QueueBinding annotation. Also now supports custom exchange types and declares durable exchanges by default.

现在可以在注解级别设置侦听器容器的 concurrency,而无需为不同的并发设置配置不同的容器工厂。

You can now set the concurrency of the listener container at the annotation level rather than having to configure a different container factory for different concurrency settings.

现在可以在注解级别设置侦听器容器的 autoStartup 属性,覆盖容器工厂中的默认设置。

You can now set the autoStartup property of the listener container at the annotation level, overriding the default setting in the container factory.

现在可以在 RabbitListener 容器工厂中设置接收后和发送前(回复)的 MessagePostProcessor 实例。

You can now set after receive and before send (reply) MessagePostProcessor instances in the RabbitListener container factories.

请参阅 Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints 了解更多信息。

See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more information.

从版本 2.0.3 开始,类级 @RabbitListener 上的一个 @RabbitHandler 注解可以被指定为默认值。有关更多信息,请参阅 Multi-method Listeners

Starting with version 2.0.3, one of the @RabbitHandler annotations on a class-level @RabbitListener can be designated as the default. See Multi-method Listeners for more information.

Container Conditional Rollback

在使用外部事务管理器(如 JDBC)时,现在当你向容器提供事务属性时,支持基于规则的回滚。在使用事务建议时,它现在也更加灵活。更多信息,请参阅 Conditional Rollback

When using an external transaction manager (such as JDBC), rule-based rollback is now supported when you provide the container with a transaction attribute. It is also now more flexible when you use a transaction advice. See Conditional Rollback for more information.

Remove Jackson 1.x support

弃用在先前版本中,Jackson 1.x 转换器和相关组件现在已删除。你可以使用基于 Jackson 2.x 的类似组件。有关更多信息,请参见 JSON Message Converter

Deprecated in previous versions, Jackson 1.x converters and related components have now been deleted. You can use similar components based on Jackson 2.x. See JSON Message Converter for more information.

JSON Message Converter

当传入的 JSON 消息的 TypeId 设置为 Hashtable 时,默认转换类型现在为 LinkedHashMap。以前,它是 Hashtable。要恢复到 Hashtable,可以在 DefaultClassMapper 上使用 setDefaultMapType

When the TypeId is set to Hashtable for an inbound JSON message, the default conversion type is now LinkedHashMap. Previously, it was Hashtable. To revert to a Hashtable, you can use setDefaultMapType on the DefaultClassMapper.

XML Parsers

在分析 QueueExchange XML 组件时,解析器不再将 name 属性值注册为 Bean 别名(如果存在 id 属性)。有关详细信息,请参阅 xref:amqp/broker-configuration.adoc#note-id-name[A Note On the idname 属性。

When parsing Queue and Exchange XML components, the parsers no longer register the name attribute value as a bean alias if an id attribute is present. See A Note On the id and name Attributes for more information.

Blocked Connection

你现在可以将 com.rabbitmq.client.BlockedListener 注入到 org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.Connection 对象中。此外,当连接被代理阻塞或取消阻塞时,由 ConnectionFactory 发出 ConnectionBlockedEventConnectionUnblockedEvent 事件。

You can now inject the com.rabbitmq.client.BlockedListener into the org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.Connection object. Also, the ConnectionBlockedEvent and ConnectionUnblockedEvent events are emitted by the ConnectionFactory when the connection is blocked or unblocked by the Broker.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Connection and Resource Management

See Connection and Resource Management for more information.