Further Reading
对于那些不熟悉 AMQP 的人, specification 实际上是相当易读的。当然,此文档是权威信息源,并且对于熟悉规范的任何人来说,Spring AMQP 代码都很容易理解。我们对 RabbitMQ 支持的当前实现基于其 2.8.x 版本,并且它正式支持 AMQP 0.8 和 0.9.1。我们建议阅读 0.9.1 文档。
For those who are not familiar with AMQP, the specification is actually quite readable. It is, of course, the authoritative source of information, and the Spring AMQP code should be easy to understand for anyone who is familiar with the spec. Our current implementation of the RabbitMQ support is based on their 2.8.x version, and it officially supports AMQP 0.8 and 0.9.1. We recommend reading the 0.9.1 document.
RabbitMQ Getting Started 页面上有许多优秀的文章、演示文稿和博客。由于这目前是 Spring AMQP 唯一受支持的实现,因此我们还建议将其作为所有代理相关问题的一个通用起点。
There are many great articles, presentations, and blogs available on the RabbitMQ Getting Started page. Since that is currently the only supported implementation for Spring AMQP, we also recommend that as a general starting point for all broker-related concerns.