The Domain Language of Batch
对于任何一位经验丰富的批处理架构师来说,Spring Batch 中所使用的批处理的基本概念都应该是熟悉且得心应手的。有“作业”和“步骤”,以及开发者提供的称为 ItemReader
和 ItemWriter
的处理单元。然而,由于 Spring 模式、操作、模板、回调函数和习语,以下事项将有机会:
To any experienced batch architect, the overall concepts of batch processing used in
Spring Batch should be familiar and comfortable. There are “Jobs” and “Steps” and
developer-supplied processing units called ItemReader
and ItemWriter
. However,
because of the Spring patterns, operations, templates, callbacks, and idioms, there are
opportunities for the following:
Significant improvement in adherence to a clear separation of concerns.
Clearly delineated architectural layers and services provided as interfaces.
Simple and default implementations that allow for quick adoption and ease of use out of the box.
Significantly enhanced extensibility.
下图是一个简化的批处理参考架构版本,该架构已使用数十年。它概述了构成批处理领域语言的组件。此架构框架是一个蓝图,它已通过对上一代平台(大型机上的 COBOL、Unix 上的 C 和现在任何地方的 Java)的数十年实施得到验证。JCL 和 COBOL 开发者可能会像 C、C# 和 Java 开发者一样熟悉这些概念。Spring Batch 提供了对在用于解决简单到复杂批处理应用程序的创建的健壮、可维护系统中通常发现的层、组件和技术服务的物理实现,以及用于解决非常复杂的处理需求的基础设施和扩展。
The following diagram is a simplified version of the batch reference architecture that has been used for decades. It provides an overview of the components that make up the domain language of batch processing. This architecture framework is a blueprint that has been proven through decades of implementations on the last several generations of platforms (COBOL on mainframes, C on Unix, and now Java anywhere). JCL and COBOL developers are likely to be as comfortable with the concepts as C, C#, and Java developers. Spring Batch provides a physical implementation of the layers, components, and technical services commonly found in the robust, maintainable systems that are used to address the creation of simple to complex batch applications, with the infrastructure and extensions to address very complex processing needs. .Batch Stereotypes image::spring-batch-reference-model.png[]
上图重点介绍了构成 Spring Batch 领域语言的关键概念。一个 “作业”包含一步或多步,每一步恰好有一个 ItemReader
、一个 ItemProcessor
和一个 ItemWriter
。一个作业需要启动(使用 JobLauncher
),并且需要存储有关当前运行过程的元数据(在 JobRepository
The preceding diagram highlights the key concepts that make up the domain language of
Spring Batch. A Job
has one to many steps, each of which has exactly one ItemReader
one ItemProcessor
, and one ItemWriter
. A job needs to be launched (with
), and metadata about the currently running process needs to be stored (in
本部分描述与批处理作业概念相关的陈规定型观念。“作业”是一个实体,它封装整个批处理过程。与其他 Spring 项目一样,“作业”通过 XML 配置文件或基于 Java 的配置连接在一起。此配置可以称为“作业配置”。但正如下图所示,“作业”仅仅是一个整体层次结构的顶部:
This section describes stereotypes relating to the concept of a batch job. A Job
is an
entity that encapsulates an entire batch process. As is common with other Spring
projects, a Job
is wired together with either an XML configuration file or Java-based
configuration. This configuration may be referred to as the “job configuration”. However,
is only the top of an overall hierarchy, as shown in the following diagram:
在 Spring Batch 中,“作业”仅仅是 Step
In Spring Batch, a Job
is simply a container for Step
instances. It combines multiple
steps that logically belong together in a flow and allows for configuration of properties
global to all steps, such as restartability. The job configuration contains:
The name of the job.
Definition and ordering of
instances. -
Whether or not the job is restartable.
- Java
对于使用 Java 配置的用户,Spring Batch 以
之上创建了一些标准功能。在使用基于 Java 的配置时,提供一组构建器供实例化一个Job
For those who use Java configuration, Spring Batch provides a default implementation of
the Job
interface in the form of the SimpleJob
class, which creates some standard
functionality on top of Job
. When using Java-based configuration, a collection of
builders is made available for the instantiation of a Job
, as the following
example shows:
public Job footballJob(JobRepository jobRepository) {
return new JobBuilder("footballJob", jobRepository)
对于使用 XML 配置的用户,Spring Batch 以
For those who use XML configuration, Spring Batch provides a default implementation of the
interface in the form of the SimpleJob
class, which creates some standard
functionality on top of Job
. However, the batch namespace abstracts away the need to
instantiate it directly. Instead, you can use the <job>
element, as the
following example shows:
<job id="footballJob">
<step id="playerload" next="gameLoad"/>
<step id="gameLoad" next="playerSummarization"/>
<step id="playerSummarization"/>
“作业实例”指的是逻辑作业运行的概念。考虑一个每天结束时应该运行一次的批处理作业,例如前面图表中的 EndOfDay
作业。有一个 EndOfDay
作业,但是作业的每次单独运行都必须单独跟踪。在作业的情况下,每天有一个逻辑的 JobInstance
。例如,有一个 1 月 1 日的运行、一个 1 月 2 日的运行,依此类推。如果 1 月 1 日的运行第一次失败,并且第二天再次运行,它仍然是 1 月 1 日的运行。(通常,这也对应于它正在处理的数据,即 1 月 1 日的运行处理 1 月 1 日的数据)。因此,每个 JobInstance
将在本章后面进行更详细的讨论),并且给定时间只能运行一个 JobInstance
(对应于一个特定的 Job
和标识 JobParameters
A JobInstance
refers to the concept of a logical job run. Consider a batch job that
should be run once at the end of the day, such as the EndOfDay
from the preceding
diagram. There is one EndOfDay
job, but each individual run of the Job
must be
tracked separately. In the case of this job, there is one logical JobInstance
per day.
For example, there is a January 1st run, a January 2nd run, and so on. If the January 1st
run fails the first time and is run again the next day, it is still the January 1st run.
(Usually, this corresponds with the data it is processing as well, meaning the January
1st run processes data for January 1st). Therefore, each JobInstance
can have multiple
executions (JobExecution
is discussed in more detail later in this chapter), and only
one JobInstance
(which corresponds to a particular Job
and identifying JobParameters
) can
run at a given time.
“作业实例”的定义绝对不会对要加载的数据产生影响。完全由 ItemReader
实现决定如何加载数据。例如,在 EndOfDay
场景中,数据上可能有一列表示数据所属的“生效日期”或“预定日期”。因此,1 月 1 日的运行将只加载 1 号的数据,而 1 月 2 日的运行将只使用 2 号的数据。因为此确定很可能是一项业务决策,所以由 ItemReader
决定。然而,使用同样的 JobInstance
决定是否使用以前执行的“状态”(即执行上下文,将在本章后面讨论)。使用一个新的 JobInstance
The definition of a JobInstance
has absolutely no bearing on the data to be loaded.
It is entirely up to the ItemReader
implementation to determine how data is loaded. For
example, in the EndOfDay
scenario, there may be a column on the data that indicates the
effective date
or schedule date
to which the data belongs. So, the January 1st run
would load only data from the 1st, and the January 2nd run would use only data from the
2nd. Because this determination is likely to be a business decision, it is left up to the
to decide. However, using the same JobInstance
determines whether or not
the “state” (that is, the ExecutionContext
, which is discussed later in this chapter)
from previous executions is used. Using a new JobInstance
means “start from the
beginning,” and using an existing instance generally means “start from where you left
在讨论了 JobInstance
及其与 Job
的不同之处之后,接下来自然而然就会问:“一个 JobInstance
如何与另一个 JobInstance
Having discussed JobInstance
and how it differs from Job
, the natural question to ask
is: “How is one JobInstance
distinguished from another?” The answer is:
. A JobParameters
object holds a set of parameters used to start a batch
job. They can be used for identification or even as reference data during the run, as the
following image shows:
在前面的例子中,有两个实例,一个用于 1 月 1 日,另一个用于 1 月 2 日,但实际上只有一个 Job
,但它有两个 JobParameter
对象:一个以 2017 年 1 月 1 日的作业参数启动,另一个以 2017 年 1 月 2 日的参数启动。因此,可以将契约定义为:JobInstance
= Job
+ 标识 JobParameters
。这允许开发人员有效地控制如何定义一个 JobInstance
In the preceding example, where there are two instances, one for January 1st and another
for January 2nd, there is really only one Job
, but it has two JobParameter
one that was started with a job parameter of 01-01-2017 and another that was started with
a parameter of 01-02-2017. Thus, the contract can be defined as: JobInstance
= Job
+ identifying JobParameters
. This allows a developer to effectively control how a
is defined, since they control what parameters are passed in.
并非所有作业参数都需要有助于识别 |
Not all job parameters are required to contribute to the identification of a
“作业执行”指的是在技术上尝试运行作业一次。执行可能会以失败或成功而结束,但是对应于给定执行的 JobInstance
不被视为完整,除非执行成功完成。使用前面描述的 EndOfDay
作业作为示例,考虑一个 2017 年 1 月 1 日的 JobInstance
,它在第一次运行时失败。如果它使用与第一次运行相同的标识作业参数(2017 年 1 月 1 日)再次运行,则创建一个新的 JobExecution
。然而,仍然只有一个 JobInstance
A JobExecution
refers to the technical concept of a single attempt to run a Job. An
execution may end in failure or success, but the JobInstance
corresponding to a given
execution is not considered to be complete unless the execution completes successfully.
Using the EndOfDay
described previously as an example, consider a JobInstance
01-01-2017 that failed the first time it was run. If it is run again with the same
identifying job parameters as the first run (01-01-2017), a new JobExecution
created. However, there is still only one JobInstance
A Job
defines what a job is and how it is to be executed, and a JobInstance
is a
purely organizational object to group executions together, primarily to enable correct
restart semantics. A JobExecution
, however, is the primary storage mechanism for what
actually happened during a run and contains many more properties that must be controlled
and persisted, as the following table shows:
Property |
Definition |
A |
A |
A |
The |
A |
A |
The “property bag” containing any user data that needs to be persisted between executions. |
The list of exceptions encountered during the execution of a |
这些属性很重要,因为它们是持久的并且可以用来完全确定执行的状态。例如,如果 2017 年 1 月 1 日的 EndOfDay
作业在晚上 9:00 执行,并在 9:30 失败,则在批处理元数据表中将创建以下条目:
These properties are important because they are persisted and can be used to completely
determine the status of an execution. For example, if the EndOfDay
job for 01-01 is
executed at 9:00 PM and fails at 9:30, the following entries are made in the batch
metadata tables:
1 |
EndOfDayJob |
1 |
schedule.Date |
2017-01-01 |
1 |
1 |
2017-01-01 21:00 |
2017-01-01 21:30 |
列名称可能已缩写或删除,以提高清晰度和格式。 |
Column names may have been abbreviated or removed for the sake of clarity and formatting. |
现在作业已失败,假设问题确定花费了整晚的时间,因此“批处理窗口”现在已关闭。进一步假设窗口从晚上 9:00 开始,作业再次为 2017 年 1 月 1 日启动,从中断处开始,并在 9:30 成功完成。由于现在是第二天,因此 2017 年 1 月 2 日的作业也必须运行,并且它在 9:31 之后立即启动,并在正常的一小时时间内于 10:30 完成。除非两个作业有可能尝试访问相同的数据,从而导致数据库级别锁定问题,否则不需要在一个作业实例启动后立即启动另一个作业实例。由调度程序完全决定何时应该运行一个作业。由于它们是独立的 JobInstance
,因此 Spring Batch 不会尝试阻止它们同时运行。(尝试在另一个作业正在运行时运行同一个 JobInstance
将导致抛出 JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException
)。现在 JobInstance
和 JobParameters
表中应有两个额外的条目,并且 JobExecution
Now that the job has failed, assume that it took the entire night for the problem to be
determined, so that the “batch window” is now closed. Further assuming that the window
starts at 9:00 PM, the job is kicked off again for 01-01, starting where it left off and
completing successfully at 9:30. Because it is now the next day, the 01-02 job must be
run as well, and it is kicked off just afterwards at 9:31 and completes in its normal one
hour time at 10:30. There is no requirement that one JobInstance
be kicked off after
another, unless there is potential for the two jobs to attempt to access the same data,
causing issues with locking at the database level. It is entirely up to the scheduler to
determine when a Job
should be run. Since they are separate JobInstances
, Spring
Batch makes no attempt to stop them from being run concurrently. (Attempting to run the
same JobInstance
while another is already running results in a
being thrown). There should now be an extra entry
in both the JobInstance
and JobParameters
tables and two extra entries in the
table, as shown in the following tables:
1 |
EndOfDayJob |
2 |
EndOfDayJob |
1 |
schedule.Date |
2017-01-01 00:00:00 |
2 |
schedule.Date |
2017-01-01 00:00:00 |
3 |
schedule.Date |
2017-01-02 00:00:00 |
1 |
1 |
2017-01-01 21:00 |
2017-01-01 21:30 |
2 |
1 |
2017-01-02 21:00 |
2017-01-02 21:30 |
3 |
2 |
2017-01-02 21:31 |
2017-01-02 22:29 |
列名称可能已缩写或删除,以提高清晰度和格式。 |
Column names may have been abbreviated or removed for the sake of clarity and formatting. |
“步骤”是一个领域对象,它封装了一个批处理作业的一个独立的、顺序的阶段。因此,每个“作业”完全由一个或多个步骤组成。“步骤”包含所有必要的信息来定义和控制实际的批处理。这是一个必然含糊的描述,因为任何给定“步骤”的内容由编写“作业”的开发者决定。“步骤”可以像开发者希望的那样简单或复杂。一个简单的“步骤”可能将数据从文件加载到数据库,不需要很少的代码(取决于所使用的实现)。一个更复杂的“步骤”可能应用复杂的业务规则作为处理的一部分。与“作业”一样,“步骤”有一个单独的 StepExecution
,它与一个唯一的 JobExecution
A Step
is a domain object that encapsulates an independent, sequential phase of a batch
job. Therefore, every Job
is composed entirely of one or more steps. A Step
all of the information necessary to define and control the actual batch processing. This
is a necessarily vague description because the contents of any given Step
are at the
discretion of the developer writing a Job
. A Step
can be as simple or complex as the
developer desires. A simple Step
might load data from a file into the database,
requiring little or no code (depending upon the implementations used). A more complex
may have complicated business rules that are applied as part of the processing. As
with a Job
, a Step
has an individual StepExecution
that correlates with a unique
, as the following image shows:
表示执行一个“步骤”的一次尝试。每次运行一个“步骤”时都会创建一个新的 StepExecution
,类似于 JobExecution
。但是,如果一个步骤由于前面的步骤失败而未能执行,则不会持久化执行。只有当步骤实际启动时才会创建一个 StepExecution
A StepExecution
represents a single attempt to execute a Step
. A new StepExecution
is created each time a Step
is run, similar to JobExecution
. However, if a step fails
to execute because the step before it fails, no execution is persisted for it. A
is created only when its Step
is actually started.
“步骤”执行由 StepExecution
类的对象表示。每个执行都包含对其对应的步骤和 JobExecution
以及事务相关数据的引用,例如提交和回滚计数以及开始和结束时间。此外,每个步骤执行都包含一个 ExecutionContext
,其中包含开发者需要在批处理运行中持久化的任何数据,例如重启所需的统计信息或状态信息。下表列出了 StepExecution
executions are represented by objects of the StepExecution
class. Each execution
contains a reference to its corresponding step and JobExecution
and transaction-related
data, such as commit and rollback counts and start and end times. Additionally, each step
execution contains an ExecutionContext
, which contains any data a developer needs to
have persisted across batch runs, such as statistics or state information needed to
restart. The following table lists the properties for StepExecution
Property |
Definition |
A |
A |
A |
The |
The “property bag” containing any user data that needs to be persisted between executions. |
The number of items that have been successfully read. |
The number of items that have been successfully written. |
The number of transactions that have been committed for this execution. |
The number of times the business transaction controlled by the |
The number of times |
The number of times |
The number of items that have been “filtered” by the |
The number of times |
表示由框架持久化和控制的一组键值对,为开发者提供了一个存储持久化状态的地方,该状态限定在 StepExecution
对象或 JobExecution
对象中。(对于熟悉 Quartz 的人来说,它非常类似于 JobDataMap
。)最好的使用方法示例是方便重启。以平面文件输入为例,在处理单个行时,框架会定期在提交点持久化 ExecutionContext
An ExecutionContext
represents a collection of key/value pairs that are persisted and
controlled by the framework to give developers a place to store persistent
state that is scoped to a StepExecution
object or a JobExecution
object. (For those
familiar with Quartz, it is very similar to JobDataMap
.) The best usage example is to
facilitate restart. Using flat file input as an example, while processing individual
lines, the framework periodically persists the ExecutionContext
at commit points. Doing
so lets the ItemReader
store its state in case a fatal error occurs during the run
or even if the power goes out. All that is needed is to put the current number of lines
read into the context, as the following example shows, and the framework does the
executionContext.putLong(getKey(LINES_READ_COUNT), reader.getPosition());
Using the EndOfDay
example from the Job
stereotypes section as an example, assume there
is one step, loadData
, that loads a file into the database. After the first failed run,
the metadata tables would look like the following example:
1 |
EndOfDayJob |
1 |
schedule.Date |
2017-01-01 |
1 |
1 |
2017-01-01 21:00 |
2017-01-01 21:30 |
1 |
1 |
loadData |
2017-01-01 21:00 |
2017-01-01 21:30 |
1 |
{piece.count=40321} |
在前一个案例中,“Step”运行了 30 分钟,处理了 40,321 个“pieces”,这是此场景中文件中的行数。此值在每次提交前由框架更新,并且可以包含与“ExecutionContext”中条目相对应的多行。在提交前收到通知需要各种“StepListener”实现之一(或“ItemStream”),本指南的后面部分将详细讨论这些内容。与上一个示例一样,假定第二天重新启动“Job”。重新启动后,数据库中将重建“ExecutionContext”的上一次运行的值。当打开“ItemReader”时,它会检查上下文中是否有任何已存储状态,并由此处进行初始化,如以下示例所示:
In the preceding case, the Step
ran for 30 minutes and processed 40,321 “pieces”, which
would represent lines in a file in this scenario. This value is updated just before each
commit by the framework and can contain multiple rows corresponding to entries within the
. Being notified before a commit requires one of the various
implementations (or an ItemStream
), which are discussed in more detail
later in this guide. As with the previous example, it is assumed that the Job
restarted the next day. When it is restarted, the values from the ExecutionContext
the last run are reconstituted from the database. When the ItemReader
is opened, it can
check to see if it has any stored state in the context and initialize itself from there,
as the following example shows:
if (executionContext.containsKey(getKey(LINES_READ_COUNT))) {
log.debug("Initializing for restart. Restart data is: " + executionContext);
long lineCount = executionContext.getLong(getKey(LINES_READ_COUNT));
LineReader reader = getReader();
Object record = "";
while (reader.getPosition() < lineCount && record != null) {
record = readLine();
在这种情况下,在上述代码运行后,当前行是 40,322,从而让“Step”可以从中断处重新开始。您还可以使用“ExecutionContext”获取需要关于运行本身持久化的统计信息。例如,如果平面文件中包含跨多行存在的待处理订单,那么存储已处理订单数(与读取的行数完全不同)可能是必要的,以便可以在“Step”结束时通过邮件发送邮件,邮件正文显示已处理订单总数。框架会处理此项操作的存储,以正确的范围将其与单个“JobInstance”关联。以下应该注意的是,有必要很难弄清楚是否应该使用现有的“ExecutionContext”。例如,使用上面的“EndOfDay”示例时,当 01-01 运行第二次重新启动时,框架会识别出这是同一个“JobInstance”,并且在单个“Step”基础上,从数据库中提取“ExecutionContext”,并将它(作为“StepExecution”的一部分)传递给“Step”本身。另一方面,对于 01-02 运行,框架会识别出这是另一个实例,因此必须将空上下文传递给“Step”。框架会为开发人员做出许多此类确定,以确保在正确时间将状态提供给开发人员。还需要注意的是,在任何给定时间,每个“StepExecution”都存在一个唯一的“ExecutionContext”。“ExecutionContext”客户端应该小心,因为这会创建一个共享键空间。因此,在放入值时应该谨慎,以确保不会覆盖任何数据。但是,“Step”完全不存储上下文中任何数据,因此没有办法对框架产生不利影响。
In this case, after the preceding code runs, the current line is 40,322, letting the Step
start again from where it left off. You can also use the ExecutionContext
statistics that need to be persisted about the run itself. For example, if a flat file
contains orders for processing that exist across multiple lines, it may be necessary to
store how many orders have been processed (which is much different from the number of
lines read), so that an email can be sent at the end of the Step
with the total number
of orders processed in the body. The framework handles storing this for the developer,
to correctly scope it with an individual JobInstance
. It can be very difficult to
know whether an existing ExecutionContext
should be used or not. For example, using the
example from above, when the 01-01 run starts again for the second time, the
framework recognizes that it is the same JobInstance
and on an individual Step
pulls the ExecutionContext
out of the database, and hands it (as part of the
) to the Step
itself. Conversely, for the 01-02 run, the framework
recognizes that it is a different instance, so an empty context must be handed to the
. There are many of these types of determinations that the framework makes for the
developer, to ensure the state is given to them at the correct time. It is also important
to note that exactly one ExecutionContext
exists per StepExecution
at any given time.
Clients of the ExecutionContext
should be careful, because this creates a shared
keyspace. As a result, care should be taken when putting values in to ensure no data is
overwritten. However, the Step
stores absolutely no data in the context, so there is no
way to adversely affect the framework.
Note that there is at least one ExecutionContext
and one for every StepExecution
. For example, consider the following
code snippet:
ExecutionContext ecStep = stepExecution.getExecutionContext();
ExecutionContext ecJob = jobExecution.getExecutionContext();
//ecStep does not equal ecJob
As noted in the comment, ecStep
does not equal ecJob
. They are two different
. The one scoped to the Step
is saved at every commit point in the
, whereas the one scoped to the Job is saved in between every Step
在 |
In the |
“JobRepository”是之前提到的所有类型的持久性机制。它为“JobLauncher”、“Job”和“Step”实现提供 CRUD 操作。首次启动“Job”时,从存储库获取“JobExecution”。此外,在执行过程中,“StepExecution”和“JobExecution”实现通过传递给存储库而持久化。
is the persistence mechanism for all of the stereotypes mentioned earlier.
It provides CRUD operations for JobLauncher
, Job
, and Step
implementations. When a
is first launched, a JobExecution
is obtained from the repository. Also, during
the course of execution, StepExecution
and JobExecution
implementations are persisted
by passing them to the repository.
- Java
使用 Java 配置时,“@EnableBatchProcessing”注解提供“JobRepository”,作为自动配置的组件之一。
When using Java configuration, the @EnableBatchProcessing
annotation provides a
as one of the components that is automatically configured.
Spring Batch XML 命名空间支持通过“<job-repository>”标记配置“JobRepository”实例,如下示例所示:
The Spring Batch XML namespace provides support for configuring a JobRepository
with the <job-repository>
tag, as the following example shows:
<job-repository id="jobRepository"/>
represents a simple interface for launching a Job
with a given set of
, as the following example shows:
public interface JobLauncher {
public JobExecution run(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
throws JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobRestartException,
JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException, JobParametersInvalidException;
It is expected that implementations obtain a valid JobExecution
from the
and execute the Job
`ItemReader`是一种抽象,它代表一次一个条目地检索 `Step`的输入。当 `ItemReader`用尽了它可以提供的所有条目,它通过返回 `null`来指示这一点。你可以在 Readers And Writers中找到有关 `ItemReader`界面及其各种实现的更多详细信息。
is an abstraction that represents the retrieval of input for a Step
, one
item at a time. When the ItemReader
has exhausted the items it can provide, it
indicates this by returning null
. You can find more details about the ItemReader
interface and its
various implementations in
Readers And Writers.
`ItemWriter`是一种抽象,它代表一次一个批次或块输出给 `Step`的输出。通常,`ItemWriter`并不知道它接下来应该接收的输入,只知道在其当前调用中传入的条目。你可以在 Readers And Writers中找到有关 `ItemWriter`界面及其各种实现的更多详细信息。
is an abstraction that represents the output of a Step
, one batch or chunk
of items at a time. Generally, an ItemWriter
has no knowledge of the input it should
receive next and knows only the item that was passed in its current invocation. You can find more
details about the ItemWriter
interface and its various implementations in
Readers And Writers.
`ItemProcessor`是一种抽象,它代表条目的业务处理。在 `ItemReader`读取一个条目,`ItemWriter`写入一个条目的同时,`ItemProcessor`提供一个访问点来转换或应用其他业务处理。如果在处理条目时,确定该条目无效,返回 `null`表示不应写出该条目。你可以在 Readers And Writers中找到有关 `ItemProcessor`界面的更多详细信息。
is an abstraction that represents the business processing of an item.
While the ItemReader
reads one item, and the ItemWriter
writes one item, the
provides an access point to transform or apply other business processing.
If, while processing the item, it is determined that the item is not valid, returning
indicates that the item should not be written out. You can find more details about the
interface in
Readers And Writers.
Batch Namespace
许多先前列出的域概念需要在 Spring “ApplicationContext” 中配置。虽然可以将上述界面的实现用于标准 Bean 定义,但已提供了命名空间以便于配置,如下示例所示:
Many of the domain concepts listed previously need to be configured in a Spring
. While there are implementations of the interfaces above that you can
use in a standard bean definition, a namespace has been provided for ease of
configuration, as the following example shows:
<beans:beans xmlns=""
<job id="ioSampleJob">
<step id="step1">
<chunk reader="itemReader" writer="itemWriter" commit-interval="2"/>
只要声明了批次命名空间,就可以使用它其中的任何元素。你可以在 Configuring and Running a Job中找到有关配置作业的更多信息。你可以在 Configuring a Step中找到有关配置 `Step`的更多信息。
As long as the batch namespace has been declared, any of its elements can be used. You can find more
information on configuring a Job in Configuring and Running a Job
. You can find more information on configuring a Step
Configuring a Step.