Flat Files

平面文件一直是交换批量数据的最常见机制之一。与 XML 不同,XML 对于定义其结构的方式有一个商定的标准(XSD),任何读取平面文件的人必须提前了解该文件的结构方式。一般来说,所有平面文件都分为两种类型:有分隔符和平面文件。分隔文件是其字段由分隔符(如逗号)分隔的文件。固定长度文件具有固定长度的字段。

One of the most common mechanisms for interchanging bulk data has always been the flat file. Unlike XML, which has an agreed upon standard for defining how it is structured (XSD), anyone reading a flat file must understand ahead of time exactly how the file is structured. In general, all flat files fall into two types: delimited and fixed length. Delimited files are those in which fields are separated by a delimiter, such as a comma. Fixed Length files have fields that are a set length.