Scaling and Parallel Processing
Many batch processing problems can be solved with single-threaded, single-process jobs, so it is always a good idea to properly check if that meets your needs before thinking about more complex implementations. Measure the performance of a realistic job and see if the simplest implementation meets your needs first. You can read and write a file of several hundred megabytes in well under a minute, even with standard hardware.
当您准备好开始通过并行处理实现作业时,Spring Batch 提供了一系列选项,本章中会介绍这些选项,尽管其他地方也介绍了一些功能。在高级别上,有两种并行处理模式:
When you are ready to start implementing a job with some parallel processing, Spring Batch offers a range of options, which are described in this chapter, although some features are covered elsewhere. At a high level, there are two modes of parallel processing:
Single-process, multi-threaded
These break down into categories as well, as follows:
Multi-threaded Step (single-process)
Parallel Steps (single-process)
Remote Chunking of Step (multi-process)
Partitioning a Step (single or multi-process)
First, we review the single-process options. Then we review the multi-process options.
Multi-threaded Step
开始并行处理的最简单方法是将 TaskExecutor
The simplest way to start parallel processing is to add a TaskExecutor
to your Step
- Java
使用 Java 配置时,您可以向步骤添加
When using Java configuration, you can add a TaskExecutor
to the step,
as the following example shows:
public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor("spring_batch");
public Step sampleStep(TaskExecutor taskExecutor, JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
return new StepBuilder("sampleStep", jobRepository)
.<String, String>chunk(10, transactionManager)
For example, you might add an attribute TO the tasklet
, as follows:
<step id="loading">
<tasklet task-executor="taskExecutor">...</tasklet>
是对实现 TaskExecutor
接口的另一个 Bean 定义的引用。 TaskExecutor
是标准 Spring 接口,因此请查阅 Spring 用户指南以了解可用的实现的详细信息。最简单的多线程 TaskExecutor
是 SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor
In this example, the taskExecutor
is a reference to another bean definition that
implements the TaskExecutor
is a standard Spring interface, so consult the Spring User Guide for details of available
implementations. The simplest multi-threaded TaskExecutor
is a
通过在单独的执行线程中读取、处理和写入每一块项目(每个提交间隔)来执行。请注意,这意味着没有固定的项目处理顺序,并且一块可能包含与单线程情况相比是非连续的项目。除了任务执行程序放置的任何限制(例如它是否由线程池支持)之外,tasklet 配置还有限制节流(默认:4)。您可能需要增加此限制以确保线程池被充分利用。
The result of the preceding configuration is that the Step
executes by reading, processing,
and writing each chunk of items (each commit interval) in a separate thread of execution.
Note that this means there is no fixed order for the items to be processed, and a chunk
might contain items that are non-consecutive compared to the single-threaded case. In
addition to any limits placed by the task executor (such as whether it is backed by a
thread pool), the tasklet configuration has a throttle limit (default: 4).
You may need to increase this limit to ensure that a thread pool is fully used.
- Java
在使用 Java 配置时,构建器提供对节流限制的访问,如下所示:
When using Java configuration, the builders provide access to the throttle limit, as follows:
public Step sampleStep(TaskExecutor taskExecutor, JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
return new StepBuilder("sampleStep", jobRepository)
.<String, String>chunk(10, transactionManager)
For example, you might increase the throttle-limit, as follows:
<step id="loading"> <tasklet
还要注意,您的步骤中使用的任何池化资源(例如 DataSource
Note also that there may be limits placed on concurrency by any pooled resources used in
your step, such as a DataSource
. Be sure to make the pool in those resources at least
as large as the desired number of concurrent threads in the step.
从 v5.0 开始,节流限制已弃用,没有替代。如果您希望在默认的 TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate
中替换当前的限制机制,则需要提供一个自定义的 RepeatOperations
实现(基于具有有限任务队列的 TaskExecutor
),并使用 StepBuilder#stepOperations
As of v5.0, the throttle limit is deprecated with no replacement. If you want to replace the
current throttling mechanism in the default TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate
, you need to provide
a custom RepeatOperations
implementation (based on a TaskExecutor
with a bounded task queue)
and set it on the step with StepBuilder#stepOperations
public Step sampleStep(RepeatOperations customRepeatOperations, JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
return new StepBuilder("sampleStep", jobRepository)
.<String, String>chunk(10, transactionManager)
对于一些常见的批处理用例,使用多线程 Step
中的很多参与者(例如读取器和写入器)是有状态的。如果状态未按线程隔离,则这些组件在多线程 Step
中不可用。特别是,Spring Batch 中的大多数读取器和写入器都并非设计用于多线程使用。但是,可以与无状态或线程安全的读取器和写入器一起使用,并且 Spring
Batch Samples 中有一个示例(称为 parallelJob
),它演示了如何使用进程指示器(请参见 Preventing State Persistence)来跟踪数据库输入表中已处理的项。
There are some practical limitations of using multi-threaded Step
implementations for
some common batch use cases. Many participants in a Step
(such as readers and writers)
are stateful. If the state is not segregated by thread, those components are not
usable in a multi-threaded Step
. In particular, most of the readers and
writers from Spring Batch are not designed for multi-threaded use. It is, however,
possible to work with stateless or thread safe readers and writers, and there is a sample
(called parallelJob
) in the
Batch Samples that shows the use of a process indicator (see
Preventing State Persistence) to keep track
of items that have been processed in a database input table.
Spring Batch 提供了一些 ItemWriter
和 ItemReader
的实现。通常,它们会在 Javadoc 中说明它们是否是线程安全的或在并发环境中避免问题需要执行什么操作。如果 Javadoc 中没有信息,您可以检查实现以查看是否有任何状态。如果读取器不是线程安全的,您可以用提供的 SynchronizedItemStreamReader
修饰它或在您自己的同步委托程序中使用它。您可以同步对 read()
Spring Batch provides some implementations of ItemWriter
and ItemReader
. Usually,
they say in the Javadoc if they are thread safe or not or what you have to do to avoid
problems in a concurrent environment. If there is no information in the Javadoc, you can
check the implementation to see if there is any state. If a reader is not thread safe,
you can decorate it with the provided SynchronizedItemStreamReader
or use it in your own
synchronizing delegator. You can synchronize the call to read()
, and, as long as the
processing and writing is the most expensive part of the chunk, your step may still
complete much more quickly than it would in a single-threaded configuration.
Parallel Steps
As long as the application logic that needs to be parallelized can be split into distinct responsibilities and assigned to individual steps, it can be parallelized in a single process. Parallel Step execution is easy to configure and use.
- Java
在使用 Java 配置时,使用
并行执行步骤 `(step1, step2)`很简单,如下:
When using Java configuration, executing steps (step1,step2)
in parallel with step3
is straightforward, as follows:
public Job job(JobRepository jobRepository) {
return new JobBuilder("job", jobRepository)
.build() //builds FlowJobBuilder instance
.build(); //builds Job instance
public Flow splitFlow() {
return new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("splitFlow")
.add(flow1(), flow2())
public Flow flow1() {
return new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("flow1")
public Flow flow2() {
return new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("flow2")
public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor("spring_batch");
并行执行步骤 `(step1, step2)`很简单,如下:
For example, executing steps (step1,step2)
in parallel with step3
is straightforward,
as follows:
<job id="job1">
<split id="split1" task-executor="taskExecutor" next="step4">
<step id="step1" parent="s1" next="step2"/>
<step id="step2" parent="s2"/>
<step id="step3" parent="s3"/>
<step id="step4" parent="s4"/>
<beans:bean id="taskExecutor" class="org.spr...SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor"/>
可配置的任务执行程序用于指定应由哪个 TaskExecutor
实现执行各个流程。默认值为 SyncTaskExecutor
,但需要异步的 TaskExecutor
The configurable task executor is used to specify which TaskExecutor
implementation should execute the individual flows. The default is
, but an asynchronous TaskExecutor
is required to run the steps in
parallel. Note that the job ensures that every flow in the split completes before
aggregating the exit statuses and transitioning.
有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关 Split Flows 的部分。
See the section on Split Flows for more detail.
Remote Chunking
In remote chunking, the Step
processing is split across multiple processes,
communicating with each other through some middleware. The following image shows the
The manager component is a single process, and the workers are multiple remote processes. This pattern works best if the manager is not a bottleneck, so the processing must be more expensive than the reading of items (as is often the case in practice).
管理器是 Spring Batch Step
的实现,其 ItemWriter
被一个泛型版本替换,该版本知道如何将块项目作为消息发送到中间件。工人是为所使用的任何中间件的标准侦听器(例如,对于 JMS,它们将是 MesssageListener
实现),并且它们的角色是通过 ChunkProcessor
接口使用标准 ItemWriter
或 ItemProcessor
加上 ItemWriter
The manager is an implementation of a Spring Batch Step
with the ItemWriter
by a generic version that knows how to send chunks of items to the middleware as
messages. The workers are standard listeners for whatever middleware is being used (for
example, with JMS, they would be MesssageListener
implementations), and their role is
to process the chunks of items by using a standard ItemWriter
or ItemProcessor
plus an
, through the ChunkProcessor
interface. One of the advantages of using this
pattern is that the reader, processor, and writer components are off-the-shelf (the same
as would be used for a local execution of the step). The items are divided up dynamically,
and work is shared through the middleware, so that, if the listeners are all eager
consumers, load balancing is automatic.
中间件必须是持久的,并且必须为每条消息保证交付且只有单个使用者。JMS 是显而易见的候选者,但在网格计算和共享内存产品空间中还存在其他选项(例如 JavaSpaces)。
The middleware has to be durable, with guaranteed delivery and a single consumer for each message. JMS is the obvious candidate, but other options (such as JavaSpaces) exist in the grid computing and shared memory product space.
有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关 Spring Batch Integration - Remote Chunking 的部分。
See the section on Spring Batch Integration - Remote Chunking for more detail.
Spring Batch 还为分区分块的 Step
执行并远程执行它提供了 SPI。在这种情况下,远程参与者是 Step
Spring Batch also provides an SPI for partitioning a Step
execution and executing it
remotely. In this case, the remote participants are Step
instances that could just as
easily have been configured and used for local processing. The following image shows the
“作业”在左侧以“步骤”实例的序列运行,并且其中一个“步骤”实例被标记为管理器。此图中的工作器都是“步骤”的同等实例,实际上可以取代管理器,从而导致“作业”的相同结果。工作器通常是远程服务,但也可能是执行的本地线程。此模式中管理器发送给工作器 的消息不必持久,也不必有保证的交付。JobRepository
中的 Spring Batch 元数据确保每个工作器对每个“作业”执行只执行一次。
The Job
runs on the left-hand side as a sequence of Step
instances, and one of the
instances is labeled as a manager. The workers in this picture are all identical
instances of a Step
, which could in fact take the place of the manager, resulting in the
same outcome for the Job
. The workers are typically going to be remote services but
could also be local threads of execution. The messages sent by the manager to the workers
in this pattern do not need to be durable or have guaranteed delivery. Spring Batch
metadata in the JobRepository
ensures that each worker is executed once and only once for
each Job
Spring Batch 中的 SPI 包括 Step
的特殊实现(称为 PartitionStep
)和两个需要针对特定环境实现的策略接口。策略接口是 PartitionHandler
和 StepExecutionSplitter
The SPI in Spring Batch consists of a special implementation of Step
(called the
) and two strategy interfaces that need to be implemented for the specific
environment. The strategy interfaces are PartitionHandler
and StepExecutionSplitter
and the following sequence diagram shows their role:
在这种情况下,右侧的“步骤”是 “”远程“工作器,因此可能有多个对象或进程扮演此角色,并且显示 PartitionStep
The Step
on the right in this case is the “remote” worker, so, potentially, there are
many objects and or processes playing this role, and the PartitionStep
is shown driving
the execution.
- Java
以下示例显示了在使用 Java 配置时
The following example shows the PartitionStep
configuration when using Java
public Step step1Manager() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1.manager")
.<String, String>partitioner("step1", partitioner())
与多线程步骤的 throttleLimit
Similar to the multi-threaded step’s throttleLimit
method, the gridSize
method prevents the task executor from being saturated with requests from a single
以下示例显示了使用 XML 配置时`PartitionStep` 配置:
The following example shows the PartitionStep
configuration when using XML
<step id="step1.manager">
<partition step="step1" partitioner="partitioner">
<handler grid-size="10" task-executor="taskExecutor"/>
与多线程步骤的 throttle-limit
Similar to the multi-threaded step’s throttle-limit
attribute, the grid-size
attribute prevents the task executor from being saturated with requests from a single
Batch Samples 的单元测试套件(请参见 partition*Job.xml
The unit test suite for
Batch Samples (see partition*Job.xml
configuration) has a simple example that you can copy and extend.
Spring Batch 为称为 step1:partition0
的分区创建步骤执行,依此类推。许多人出于一致性考虑,更喜欢将管理器步骤称为 step1:manager
。您可以使用步骤的别名(通过指定 name
属性而不是 id
Spring Batch creates step executions for the partition called step1:partition0
and so
on. Many people prefer to call the manager step step1:manager
for consistency. You can
use an alias for the step (by specifying the name
attribute instead of the id
是了解远程处理结构或网格环境的组件。它能够以某种特定于结构的格式(如 DTO)将 StepExecution
请求发送到远程 Step
实例。它不必知道如何分割输入数据或如何聚合多个 Step
执行的结果。一般来说,它可能也不需要了解恢复能力或故障转移,因为在许多情况下这些都是结构的特性。在任何情况下,Spring Batch 始终提供独立于结构的可重启性。失败的“ 作业”总是可以重新启动,并且在这种情况下,只有失败的“步骤”会被重新执行。
is the component that knows about the fabric of the remoting or
grid environment. It is able to send StepExecution
requests to the remote Step
instances, wrapped in some fabric-specific format, like a DTO. It does not have to know
how to split the input data or how to aggregate the result of multiple Step
Generally speaking, it probably also does not need to know about resilience or failover,
since those are features of the fabric in many cases. In any case, Spring Batch always
provides restartability independent of the fabric. A failed Job
can always be restarted,
and, in that case, only the failed Steps
are re-executed.
接口可以针对各种类型的结构具有专门的实现,包括简单的 RMI 远程处理、EJB 远程处理、自定义 Web 服务、JMS、JavaSpaces、共享内存网格(如 Terracotta 或 Coherence)和网格执行结构(如 GridGain)。Spring Batch 不包含任何专有网格或远程处理结构的实现。
The PartitionHandler
interface can have specialized implementations for a variety of
fabric types, including simple RMI remoting, EJB remoting, custom web service, JMS, Java
Spaces, shared memory grids (such as Terracotta or Coherence), and grid execution fabrics
(such as GridGain). Spring Batch does not contain implementations for any proprietary grid
or remoting fabrics.
然而,Spring Batch 提供了 PartitionHandler
的一个有用实现,它使用 Spring 的 TaskExecutor
策略在执行的单独线程中本地执行 Step
实例。该实现称为 TaskExecutorPartitionHandler
Spring Batch does, however, provide a useful implementation of PartitionHandler
executes Step
instances locally in separate threads of execution, using the
strategy from Spring. The implementation is called
- Java
You can explicitly configure the TaskExecutorPartitionHandler
with Java configuration,
as follows:
public Step step1Manager(JobRepository jobRepository) {
return new StepBuilder("step1.manager", jobRepository)
.partitioner("step1", partitioner())
public PartitionHandler partitionHandler() {
TaskExecutorPartitionHandler retVal = new TaskExecutorPartitionHandler();
return retVal;
是使用前面显示的 XML 命名空间配置的步骤的默认值。您还可以显式配置它,如下所示:
The TaskExecutorPartitionHandler
is the default for a step configured with the XML
namespace shown previously. You can also configure it explicitly, as follows:
<step id="step1.manager">
<partition step="step1" handler="handler"/>
<bean class="org.spr...TaskExecutorPartitionHandler">
<property name="taskExecutor" ref="taskExecutor"/>
<property name="step" ref="step1" />
<property name="gridSize" value="10" />
属性确定要创建的独立步骤执行数,以便可以与 TaskExecutor
The gridSize
attribute determines the number of separate step executions to create, so
it can be matched to the size of the thread pool in the TaskExecutor
. Alternatively, it
can be set to be larger than the number of threads available, which makes the blocks of
work smaller.
适用于以 IO 为主导的 Step
实例,例如复制大量文件或将文件系统复制到内容管理系统。还可以通过提供一个 Step
实现(如使用 Spring Remoting)来充当远程调用的代理,从而用于远程执行。
The TaskExecutorPartitionHandler
is useful for IO-intensive Step
instances, such as
copying large numbers of files or replicating filesystems into content management
systems. It can also be used for remote execution by providing a Step
that is a proxy for a remote invocation (such as using Spring Remoting).
The Partitioner
has a simpler responsibility: to generate execution contexts as input
parameters for new step executions only (no need to worry about restarts). It has a
single method, as the following interface definition shows:
public interface Partitioner {
Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int gridSize);
”)与作为 ExecutionContext
输入参数的形式关联起来。这些名称稍后将在 Batch 元数据中显示为分区 StepExecutions
只是一个名称-值对集合,因此它可能包含一系列主键、行号或输入文件的位置。然后,远程 Step
通常使用 #{…}
The return value from this method associates a unique name for each step execution (the
) with input parameters in the form of an ExecutionContext
. The names show up
later in the Batch metadata as the step name in the partitioned StepExecutions
. The
is just a bag of name-value pairs, so it might contain a range of
primary keys, line numbers, or the location of an input file. The remote Step
normally binds to the context input by using #{…}
placeholders (late binding in step
scope), as shown in the next section.
返回的 Map
中的键)需要在“作业”的步骤执行中是唯一的,但没有其他特定要求。执行此操作的最简单方法(并为用户使名称更有意义)是使用前缀+后缀命名约定,其中前缀是要执行的步骤的名称(本身在“作业”中是唯一的),后缀只是一个计数器。该框架中有一个使用此约定的 SimplePartitioner
The names of the step executions (the keys in the Map
returned by Partitioner
) need
to be unique amongst the step executions of a Job
but do not have any other specific
requirements. The easiest way to do this (and to make the names meaningful for users) is
to use a prefix+suffix naming convention, where the prefix is the name of the step that
is being executed (which itself is unique in the Job
) and the suffix is just a
counter. There is a SimplePartitioner
in the framework that uses this convention.
您可以使用一个可选的接口 PartitionNameProvider
来单独提供分区名称和分区本身。如果 Partitioner
提供的名称必须与 Partitioner
You can use an optional interface called PartitionNameProvider
to provide the partition
names separately from the partitions themselves. If a Partitioner
implements this
interface, only the names are queried on a restart. If partitioning is expensive,
this can be a useful optimization. The names provided by the PartitionNameProvider
match those provided by the Partitioner
Binding Input Data to Steps
对于 PartitionHandler
执行的步骤使用相同的配置,并且在运行时从 ExecutionContext
中绑定它们的输入参数非常有效。使用 Spring Batch 的 StepScope 功能可以轻松完成此操作(有关 Late Binding 部分中更多详细信息)。例如,如果 Partitioner
使用名为 fileName
的属性键创建 ExecutionContext
实例,该属性键指向每个步骤调用不同的文件(或目录),则 Partitioner
It is very efficient for the steps that are executed by the PartitionHandler
to have
identical configuration and for their input parameters to be bound at runtime from the
. This is easy to do with the StepScope feature of Spring Batch
(covered in more detail in the section on Late Binding). For
example, if the Partitioner
creates ExecutionContext
instances with an attribute key
called fileName
, pointing to a different file (or directory) for each step invocation,
the Partitioner
output might resemble the content of the following table:
Step Execution Name (key) |
ExecutionContext (value) |
filecopy:partition0 |
fileName=/home/data/one |
filecopy:partition1 |
fileName=/home/data/two |
filecopy:partition2 |
fileName=/home/data/three |
Then the file name can be bound to a step by using late binding to the execution context.
- Java
以下示例演示如何在 Java 中定义延迟绑定:
The following example shows how to define late binding in Java:
public MultiResourceItemReader itemReader(
@Value("#{stepExecutionContext['fileName']}/*") Resource [] resources) {
return new MultiResourceItemReaderBuilder<String>()
以下示例演示如何在 XML 中定义延迟绑定:
The following example shows how to define late binding in XML:
<bean id="itemReader" scope="step"
<property name="resources" value="#{stepExecutionContext[fileName]}/*"/>