Configuring a Step

正如在 the domain chapter中所讨论的,`Step`是一个域对象,它封装了一个批处理作业的独立顺序阶段,并且包含定义和控制实际批处理所需的所有信息。这是一个必须模糊的描述,因为任何给定 `Step`的内容由编写 `Job`的开发人员自行决定。`Step`可以像开发人员期望的那样简单或复杂。一个简单的 `Step`可能会将数据从文件中加载到数据库中,几乎不需要编写代码(取决于所使用的实现)。一个更复杂的 `Step`可能具有在处理过程中应用的复杂业务规则,如下图所示:

As discussed in the domain chapter, a Step is a domain object that encapsulates an independent, sequential phase of a batch job and contains all of the information necessary to define and control the actual batch processing. This is a necessarily vague description because the contents of any given Step are at the discretion of the developer writing a Job. A Step can be as simple or complex as the developer desires. A simple Step might load data from a file into the database, requiring little or no code (depending upon the implementations used). A more complex Step might have complicated business rules that are applied as part of the processing, as the following image shows:

Figure 1. Step