
Spring Framework 为集成消息传递系统提供广泛的支持,从使用 JmsTemplate 简化 JMS API,到用于异步接收消息的完整基础设施。Spring AMQP 为高级消息队列协议提供了类似的功能集。Spring Boot 也为 RabbitTemplate 和 RabbitMQ 提供自动配置选项。Spring WebSocket 原生包括对 STOMP 消息传递的支持,Spring Boot 通过 starter 和少量自动配置支持这一点。Spring Boot 也支持 Apache Kafka 和 Apache Pulsar。

The Spring Framework provides extensive support for integrating with messaging systems, from simplified use of the JMS API using JmsTemplate to a complete infrastructure to receive messages asynchronously. Spring AMQP provides a similar feature set for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. Spring Boot also provides auto-configuration options for RabbitTemplate and RabbitMQ. Spring WebSocket natively includes support for STOMP messaging, and Spring Boot has support for that through starters and a small amount of auto-configuration. Spring Boot also has support for Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar.