Spring Cloud Bus 利用轻量级消息代理程序连接分布式系统的节点。此代理程序可用来广播状态变化(例如配置更改)或其他管理指令。一个重要思想是,总线类似于已扩展的 Spring Boot 应用程序的分布式执行器。然而,它也可作为一个应用程序之间的通信信道。该项目为此类传输提供了 AMQP 代理程序或 Kafka 的启动器。
Spring Cloud Bus links the nodes of a distributed system with a lightweight message broker. This broker can then be used to broadcast state changes (such as configuration changes) or other management instructions. A key idea is that the bus is like a distributed actuator for a Spring Boot application that is scaled out. However, it can also be used as a communication channel between apps. This project provides starters for either an AMQP broker or Kafka as the transport.