Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker

Spring Cloud 断路器为不同的断路器实现提供了一种抽象。它提供了一致的 API,可在应用程序中使用,令您这款们,作为开发人员,可以选择最适合您应用程序需要的断路器实现。

Spring Cloud Circuit breaker provides an abstraction across different circuit breaker implementations. It provides a consistent API to use in your applications, letting you, the developer, choose the circuit breaker implementation that best fits your needs for your application.

Supported Implementations

Spring Cloud 支持以下断路器实现:

Spring Cloud supports the following circuit-breaker implementations:

Core Concepts

要在代码中创建断路器,您可以使用 CircuitBreakerFactory API。当您在类路径上包含 Spring Cloud 断路器启动器时,会为您自动创建一个实现此 API 的 Bean。以下示例展示了如何使用此 API 的一个简单示例:

To create a circuit breaker in your code, you can use the CircuitBreakerFactory API. When you include a Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker starter on your classpath, a bean that implements this API is automatically created for you. The following example shows a simple example of how to use this API:

public static class DemoControllerService {
	private RestTemplate rest;
	private CircuitBreakerFactory cbFactory;

	public DemoControllerService(RestTemplate rest, CircuitBreakerFactory cbFactory) {
		this.rest = rest;
		this.cbFactory = cbFactory;

	public String slow() {
		return cbFactory.create("slow").run(() -> rest.getForObject("/slow", String.class), throwable -> "fallback");


CircuitBreakerFactory.create API 创建一个名为 CircuitBreaker 的类的实例。run 方法采用一个 Supplier 和一个 FunctionSupplier 是您准备包装在断路器中的代码。Function 是如果断路器跳闸则运行的备用方法。该函数传递了引发此备用方法触发的 Throwable。如果您不想提供备用方法,则可以选择将其排除在外。

The CircuitBreakerFactory.create API creates an instance of a class called CircuitBreaker. The run method takes a Supplier and a Function. The Supplier is the code that you are going to wrap in a circuit breaker. The Function is the fallback that is run if the circuit breaker is tripped. The function is passed the Throwable that caused the fallback to be triggered. You can optionally exclude the fallback if you do not want to provide one.

Circuit Breakers In Reactive Code

如果类路径上有 Project Reactor,您还可以将 ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory 用于反应代码。以下示例展示了如何操作:

If Project Reactor is on the class path, you can also use ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory for your reactive code. The following example shows how to do so:

public static class DemoControllerService {
	private ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory cbFactory;
	private WebClient webClient;

	public DemoControllerService(WebClient webClient, ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory cbFactory) {
		this.webClient = webClient;
		this.cbFactory = cbFactory;

	public Mono<String> slow() {
		return webClient.get().uri("/slow").retrieve().bodyToMono(String.class).transform(
		it -> cbFactory.create("slow").run(it, throwable -> return Mono.just("fallback")));

ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory.create API 创建一个名为 ReactiveCircuitBreaker 的类的实例。run 方法采用一个 Mono 或一个 Flux,并将其包装在断路器中。您可以选择设置一个备用 Function Profiler,在断路器跳闸时将调用此函数,并且将传递导致失败的 Throwable

The ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory.create API creates an instance of a class called ReactiveCircuitBreaker. The run method takes a Mono or a Flux and wraps it in a circuit breaker. You can optionally profile a fallback Function, which will be called if the circuit breaker is tripped and is passed the Throwable that caused the failure.


您可以通过创建 Customizer 类型 的 Bean 来配置断路器。Customizer 接口具有一个(名为 customize)方法,它采用要自定义的 Object

You can configure your circuit breakers by creating beans of type Customizer. The Customizer interface has a single method (called customize) that takes the Object to customize.


For detailed information on how to customize a given implementation see the following documentation:

一些 CircuitBreaker`实现(例如 `Resilience4JCircuitBreaker)在每次调用 `CircuitBreaker#run`时都会调用 `customize`方法。这可能会效率低下。在这种情况下,可以使用 `CircuitBreaker#once`方法。对于在许多情况下调用 `customize`没有意义的情形(例如,在 consuming Resilience4j’s events的情况下),此方法非常有用。

Some CircuitBreaker implementations such as Resilience4JCircuitBreaker call customize method every time CircuitBreaker#run is called. It can be inefficient. In that case, you can use CircuitBreaker#once method. It is useful where calling customize many times doesn’t make sense, for example, in case of consuming Resilience4j’s events.

以下示例展示了每个 io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker 使用事件的方式。

The following example shows the way for each io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker to consume events.

Customizer.once(circuitBreaker -> {
    .onStateTransition(event -> log.info("{}: {}", event.getCircuitBreakerName(), event.getStateTransition()));
}, CircuitBreaker::getName)