Common Top-Level Elements
The following sections describe the most common top-level elements:
可以向合同中添加 description
You can add a description
to your contract. The description is arbitrary text. The
following code shows an example:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_spec_tests_path}/src/test/groovy/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/internal/ContractSpec.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/yml/contract_rest.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_kotlin_spec_path}/src/test/kotlin/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/ContractTests.kt[]
可以为合同提供一个名称。假设你提供以下名称:should register a user
。如果你这样做,自动生成测试的名称为 validate_should_register_a_user
。此外,WireMock 存根中存根的名称为 should_register_a_user.json
You can provide a name for your contract. Assume that you provide the following name:
should register a user
. If you do so, the name of the autogenerated test is
. Also, the name of the stub in a WireMock stub is
You must ensure that the name does not contain any characters that make the generated test not compile. Also, remember that, if you provide the same name for multiple contracts, your autogenerated tests fail to compile and your generated stubs override each other.
The following example shows how to add a name to a contract:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_spec_tests_path}/src/test/groovy/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/internal/ContractSpec.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/yml/contract.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_kotlin_spec_path}/src/test/kotlin/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/ContractTests.kt[]
Ignoring Contracts
如果要忽略合同,则可以在插件配置中设置一个忽略的合同的值,或在合同本身上设置 ignored
If you want to ignore a contract, you can either set a value for ignored contracts in the
plugin configuration or set the ignored
property on the contract itself. The following
example shows how to do so:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_spec_tests_path}/src/test/groovy/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/internal/ContractSpec.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/yml/contract.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_kotlin_spec_path}/src/test/kotlin/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/ContractTests.kt[]
Contracts in Progress
A contract in progress does not generate tests on the producer side but does allow generation of stubs.
Use this feature with caution as it may lead to false positives, because you generate stubs for your consumers to use without actually having the implementation in place.
If you want to set a contract in progress, the following example shows how to do so:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_spec_tests_path}/src/test/groovy/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/internal/ContractSpec.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/yml/contract.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_kotlin_spec_path}/src/test/kotlin/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/ContractTests.kt[]
可以将 failOnInProgress
Spring Cloud Contract 插件属性的值设置为确保在你的源中至少有一个正在进行的合同时终止你的构建。
You can set the value of the failOnInProgress
Spring Cloud Contract plugin property to ensure that your build breaks when at least one contract in progress remains in your sources.
Passing Values from Files
从版本 1.2.0
Starting with version 1.2.0
, you can pass values from files. Assume that you have the
following resources in your project:
└── src
└── test
└── resources
└── contracts
├── readFromFile.groovy
├── request.json
└── response.json
Further assume that your contract is as follows:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/classpath/readFromFile.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/yml/contract_from_file.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/kotlin/readFromFile.kts[]
再假设 JSON 文件如下:
Further assume that the JSON files are as follows:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/classpath/request.json[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/classpath/response.json[]
和 response.json
When test or stub generation takes place, the contents of the request.json
and response.json
files are passed to the body
of a request or a response. The name of the file needs to be a file in a location
relative to the folder in which the contract resides.
如果你需要以二进制形式传递文件的内容,则可以在编码的 DSL 中使用 fileAsBytes
方法,或在 YAML 中使用 bodyFromFileAsBytes
If you need to pass the contents of a file in binary form,
you can use the fileAsBytes
method in the coded DSL or a bodyFromFileAsBytes
field in YAML.
The following example shows how to pass the contents of binary files:
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/body_builder/worksWithPdf.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/yml/contract_pdf.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_kotlin_spec_path}/src/test/resources/contracts/shouldWorkWithBinaryPayload.kts[]
在您想要处理二进制有效负载时,无论对于 HTTP 还是消息传递,都应该使用这种方法。
You should use this approach whenever you want to work with binary payloads, both for HTTP and messaging.
你可以向你的合同添加 metadata
。通过元数据,你可以将配置传递给扩展。在下面,你可以找到使用 wiremock
键的示例。它的值是一个映射,其键是 stubMapping
,值是 WireMock 的 StubMapping
对象。Spring Cloud Contract 能够用你的自定义代码修补你生成的存根映射的部分。你可能需要这样做,以便添加 Webhook、自定义延迟或与第三方 WireMock 扩展集成。
You can add metadata
to your contract. Via the metadata you can pass in configuration to extensions. Below you can find
an example of using the wiremock
key. Its value is a map whose key is stubMapping
and value being WireMock’s StubMapping
object. Spring Cloud Contract is able to
patch parts of your generated stub mapping with your custom code. You may want to do that in order to add webhooks, custom
delays or integrate with third party WireMock extensions.
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{standalone_samples_path}/http-server/src/test/resources/contracts/fraud/shouldReturnFraudStats.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{standalone_samples_path}/http-server/src/test/resources/contracts/yml/fraud/shouldReturnFraudStats.yml[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{verifier_root_path}/src/test/resources/contractsToCompile/[]
Unresolved directive in common-top-elements.adoc - include::{contract_kotlin_spec_path}/src/test/kotlin/org/springframework/cloud/contract/spec/ContractTests.kt[]
In the following sections you can find examples of the supported metadata entries.
Contracts for HTTP
Spring Cloud Contract 让你可以验证使用 REST 或 HTTP 作为通信手段的应用程序。Spring Cloud Contract 验证对于与合同的 request
部分中的条件相匹配的请求,服务器是否提供了与合同的 response
部分相符的响应。随后,这些合同用于生成 WireMock 存根,对于与所提供条件相匹配的任何请求,提供合适的响应。
Spring Cloud Contract lets you verify applications that use REST or HTTP as a
means of communication. Spring Cloud Contract verifies that, for a request that matches the
criteria from the request
part of the contract, the server provides a response that is in
keeping with the response
part of the contract. Subsequently, the contracts are used to
generate WireMock stubs that, for any request matching the provided criteria, provide a
suitable response.